What does it mean to be on the edge of something?

What does it mean to be on the edge of something?

In a precarious position; also, in a state of keen excitement, as from danger or risk. For example, When the stock market crashed, their whole future was on the edge, or Skydivers obviously must enjoy living on the edge. 2. on the edge of.

What does a little on edge mean?

be on edge. to be nervous or worried: Sorry for shouting – I'm a bit on edge today. (Definition of be on edge from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

What is a synonym for edge over?

kindness. 3'they have an edge over their rivals' SYNONYMS. advantage, lead, head, head start, trump card, the whip hand. superiority, the upper hand, dominance, ascendancy, supremacy, primacy, precedence, power, mastery, control, sway, authority.

What do u mean by edges?

Edge (geometry) In geometry, an edge is a particular type of line segment joining two vertices in a polygon, polyhedron, or higher-dimensional polytope. In a polygon, an edge is a line segment on the boundary, and is often called a side.