What does incongruity mean?

What does incongruity mean?

adjective. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an incongruous mixture of architectural styles. inconsistent: actions that were incongruous with their professed principles.

What does embark mean?

to go on board

Do you embark on or upon?

1 : to begin (a journey) They embarked on their trip to America with high hopes. 2 : to begin (something that will take a long time or happen for a long time) She’s embarking on a new career. The company has embarked upon a risky new project.

How do you use embark in a sentence?

  1. Never embark on what comes after without having mastered what goes before.
  2. Passengers with cargo must embark first.
  3. Passengers with cars must embark first.
  4. Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on.
  5. Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.
  6. We embark at Montreal for New York.

Why does the main character embark on a journey?

Answer: The first important event is the call to adventure. Some issue suddenly arises that compels or invites the character to embark upon a journey. This may happen because of a sense of duty to society or equally, the fear of embarking upon a daunting journey into the unknown…

Can you embark on a journey?

When used for general travel, the verb embark often implies a longer journey: “She embarked on a trip around the world.” Besides physical journeys, embark can be used to mean to start other kinds of journeys as well. You might embark on a spiritual journey or embark on the path to enlightenment.

What is the synonym of journey?

trip, expedition, period of travelling, tour, trek, voyage, cruise, safari, ride, drive, transfer. crossing, passage, flight. travels, wandering, roaming, roving, globetrotting. odyssey, pilgrimage. excursion, outing, jaunt.

What is another word for a long journey?

What is another word for long journey?

trek journey
trail travel
wander long haul
tour excursion
jaunt voyage

What can I say instead of Happy Journey?

Synonyms for Happy journey

  • safe journey.
  • good journey. n.
  • happy trails.
  • pleasant journey.
  • bon voyage.
  • godspeed. n.
  • have a good trip.
  • jolly journey. n.

What do you call a long journey?

voyage. noun. a long journey, especially by boat or into space.

How would you describe a difficult journey?

4 Answers. You could go straight to the classics and call it an odyssey – pretty much the defining work on long, arduous journeys. Trek is also another good word to describe a long, and usually demanding, journey. A a long and arduous journey reminds me of an ordeal.

What is the word for self taught?

If you’re an autodidact you’ve done most of your learning on your own, outside of school. Auto- means “self” and “didact” comes from the Greek word for “teach,” so an autodidact is a person who’s self-taught.

What’s another word for adventurous journey?

Some common synonyms of adventurous are daredevil, daring, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome.

What do you call an adventurous person?

daring, daredevil, intrepid, venturesome, bold, audacious, fearless, brave, unafraid, unshrinking, undaunted, dauntless, valiant, valorous, heroic, dashing. confident, enterprising. rash, reckless, heedless. informal gutsy, spunky, peppy, pushy. rare adventuresome, venturous.

Whats Does journey mean?

1 : something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another the journey from youth to maturity a journey through time. 2 : an act or instance of traveling from one place to another : trip a three-day journey going on a long journey. 3 chiefly dialectal : a day’s travel.

How would you describe an adventurous person?

The definition of adventurous is someone who is willing to take chances. A person who will eat anything put on their plate is an adventurous eater. A sky diver is an example of an adventurous person. Fond of adventure; willing to take chances; daring.

What’s the meaning of adventurous woman?

1 adj Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods.

What qualities should an adventurer have?

Let us look at these factors.

  • 1) Curiosity. Contrary to popular belief, curiosity doesn’t kill the cat.
  • 2) Meticulous Preparation. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” says Benjamin Franklin.
  • 3) Team Spirit.
  • 4) Fitness.
  • 5) Grit.
  • 6) Attention to Detail.
  • 7) Prepared for Emergencies.