What does Iku stand for?

What does Iku stand for?


Acronym Definition
IKU Istanbul Kultur University (Turkey)
IKU International Kennel Union (Russia)
IKU Institut Kesihatan Umum (Malay: Institute of Public Health; National Institute of Health; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
IKU Institutt for Kontinentalsokkelundersøkelser (Norwegian: Department of Continental Shelf Research)

What does EKU mean in Japanese?

“Eku(iku)” means “Go” or “I am comining” in Japanese.

How do you use Yokatta?

YOKATTA is the past form of an adjective, II (good). It is an expression used in a casual conversation between friends. So, the polite way of ending a sentence, DESU, is omitted.

Do Japanese go by first or last name?

In Japanese, the surname comes before the given name. Thus, a person with surname Yamamoto and given name Sanae is referred to as Yamamoto Sanae. In the name order of English, this would be “Sanae Yamamoto”. Japanese names are usually written in kanji (Chinese characters, see Kanji).

How do you call a baby?

Sweet Baby Nicknames

  1. Apple.
  2. Blueberry.
  3. Bun.
  4. Cheese Ball.
  5. Cocoa Puff.
  6. Cookie.
  7. Cupcake.
  8. Cutie Pie.

Which countries put family name first?

Traditionally, family names come first in Japanese, as they do in China and Korea. But beginning in the late 19th century, Japanese began adopting the Western custom of putting the given name first and family name second, at least when writing their names in English.

Which comes first first name or last name?

The first name is the name given to individuals upon birth and baptism and is mostly used for identification while the last name represents the family and is common to other members of the family.

How do you write a full name?

When writing your name in this order, your last name/surname comes first, and you must use a comma to separate it from the others. Then the first name follows; followed the middle name (as illustrated above). Always ensure that your name is spelt correctly and arranged in the right order.

Do Chinese use their surname first?

The Chinese will state their last name first, followed by the given name (may be one or two syllables). For example, Liu Jianguo, in Chinese would be Mr. Jianguo Liu using the Western style. Unless specifically asked, do not call someone by his or her first name.

How do Chinese name their babies?

There is really no particular pool for naming in Chinese. Family name comes first, which almost always inherit from father. It is strongly believed last name carry on the family. However, it is legal to name child with mother’s last name after negotiation in Taiwan.

Why do Chinese say last name first?

Traditionally, Chinese given names are structured by a two-character pattern. The first part is the generation name that is shared by all members of a generation, and the last character is given to the individual person. The reason Chinese people write their surname first is to show respect to the ancestors.