What does Hshs mean in text?

What does Hshs mean in text?

He Shoots, He Scores

What does HS HS stand for?


Acronym Definition
HSHS Hot Springs High School (Hot Springs, AR)
HSHS Highland Springs High School (Highland Springs, VA)
HSHS He Shoots, He Scores
HSHS Homerton School of Health Studies (UK)

What does HDHS mean in texting?

Harley Davidson Heritage Softail

What does HSGS mean?

High School for Gifted Student

What does HDHS mean?


Acronym Definition
HDHS Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (global network)
HDHS High Desert Health System (Lancaster, CA)
HDHS Healesville and District Historical Society, Inc. (Healesville, Victoria, Australia)
HDHS Harley Davidson Heritage Softail

What does HS mean in Snapchat?


What does HS mean in medicine?

What Does It Say?

Abbreviation Meaning Latin Term
hs at bedtime hora somni
od right eye oculus dexter
os left eye oculus sinister
po by mouth per os

What is TDS in medical terms?

TDS. Three times daily (medication frequency)

What is the full form of SOS?

In Morse Code, “SOS” is a signal sequence of three dits, three dats, and another three dits spelling “S-O-S”. The expression “Save Our Ship” was probably coined by sailors to signal for help from a vessel in distress.

What does SOS stand for in pharmacy?

not otherwise specified

What does Nos stand for in cars?

In the context of racing, nitrous oxide is often termed nitrous or NOS. The term NOS is derived from the initials of the company name Nitrous Oxide Systems, one of the pioneering companies in the development of nitrous oxide injection systems for automotive performance use, and has become a genericized trademark.

What is the medical abbreviation for who?

Abbreviation for World Health Organization.

Why does SOS stand for help?

stands for “Save Our Ship” or “Save Our Souls.” It does not. S.O.S. has come to mean that because of how we use it – when we need to be saved, as when a ship is sinking. S.O.S. is an example of a new, if somewhat unofficial, word in the English language. We call it a backronym.

How do you respond to Mayday?

The way to acknowledge a Mayday is simply his call sign, “this is”, your call sign “roger your mayday out.” If you are in a position to assist then your response would be, after call signs, “roger your mayday” then quickly tell how you can assist.

Who invented SOS?

The code was invented by Samuel Morse. The SOS signal is transmitted as · · · – – – · · · in Morse code. Did you know the first person that used the SOS signal was also the second person that received a SOS signal?

What does CQD MGY mean?

Titanic’s call sign

How many people died on Titanic?

However, it is generally believed that of the ship’s approximately 2,200 passengers and crew members, some 1,500 people perished when the ship sank. According to the U.S. committee investigating the sinking, 1,517 lives were lost, and its British counterpart determined that 1,503 died..

Did the Californian ignore the Titanic?

The Titanic’s wireless operators told Californian’s operator to “shut up” and they ignored the warning. Later that night the Californian spotted the flares from the Titanic. His wireless office had shut down for the night and couldn’t receive the Titanic’s SOS messages.

Where did Titanic sank?

Atlantic Ocean

Is anyone still alive from the Titanic?

The last living survivor of the Titanic, Millvina Dean, has died at the age of 97 in Southampton after catching pneumonia. As a two-month-old baby, Dean was the youngest passenger on board the giant liner when it sank on its maiden voyage with the loss of more than 1,500 lives.

Did they find bodies in the Titanic?

After the Titanic sank, searchers recovered 340 bodies. Thus, of the roughly 1,500 people killed in the disaster, about 1,160 bodies remain lost. In an interview, Dr. Delgado of the ocean agency said the muddy seabed showed “clear signs” of human imprint.