What does Honory mean?

What does Honory mean?

1a : having an irritable disposition : cantankerous an ornery old man Telling her that would have been an invitation to getting my head chopped off, because she was a mean, ornery number until the day she died.—

What does Honorary mean in English?

having or conferring distinction

How do you use the word honorary in a sentence?

1 He was made an honorary knight. 2 The post of treasurer is a purely honorary position. 3 She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless. 4 The university conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

What does it mean to be an honorary member?

An honorary title or membership of a group is given to someone without their needing to have the necessary qualifications, usually because of their public achievements. Honorary is used to describe an official job that is done without payment.

What does quivering mean?

intransitive verb. : to shake or move with a slight trembling motion.

What does ONRI mean?


Acronym Definition
ONRI Osaka National Research Institute (Osaka, Japan)
ONRI Old Negev Research Institute (Egyptian writings)
ONRI Oregon Natural Resources Institute (Oregon State University)

Is ornery a bad word?

Mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition; cantankerous. Obstinate. The definition of ornery is someone bad tempered or stubborn.

How do you spell ANRY?


  1. ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper: No one can get along with my ornery cousin.
  2. stubborn: I can’t do a thing with that ornery mule.
  3. low or vile.
  4. inferior or common; ordinary.

How do you spell ornaments?

Correct spelling for the English word “ornaments” is [ˈɔːnəmənts], [ˈɔːnəmənts], [ˈɔː_n_ə_m_ə_n_t_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for ORNAMENTS

  1. ornamental,
  2. ornament,
  3. ornamented.

What is the synonym of onerous?

burdensome, heavy, inconvenient, troublesome, awkward, crushing, back-breaking, oppressive. weighty, arduous, strenuous, uphill, difficult, hard, severe, formidable, laborious, Herculean, exhausting, tiring, taxing, demanding, punishing, gruelling, exacting, wearing, stiff, stressful, wearisome, fatiguing.

What are the synonyms for difficult?

other words for difficult

  • arduous.
  • crucial.
  • demanding.
  • onerous.
  • problematic.
  • severe.
  • tough.
  • troublesome.

What’s another word for burdensome?

Burdensome Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for burdensome?

onerous oppressive
weighty difficult
exacting harsh
severe stiff
taxing arduous

What is another word of difficult?

SYNONYMS FOR difficult 1 arduous. 2 intricate, perplexing, involved, knotty. 4 particular, finical, fussy. 5 obdurate, uncompromising.

Whats the opposite of difficult?

What is the opposite of difficult?

easy relaxed
sociable unburdensome
undemanding unexacting
unhurried unoppressive
untroublesome no problem