What does hex in Hexagon mean?

What does hex in Hexagon mean?

In geometry, a hexagon (from Greek ἕξ hex, "six" and γωνία, gonía, "corner, angle") is a six-sided polygon or 6-gon. The total of the internal angles of any simple (non-self-intersecting) hexagon is 720°.

What does Hex mean in math?

In mathematics and computing, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional system that represents numbers using a base of 16.

What’s a 6 sided figure called?

hexagonMore than Four Sides A five-sided shape is called a pentagon. A six-sided shape is a hexagon, a seven-sided shape a heptagon, while an octagon has eight sides…

How do you read a hex code?

Hexadecimal numbers start with a pound sign (or hashtag), and are followed by six letters or numbers. The first two digits refer to red, the next two to green, and the last two are blue. You'll define how much red, green, and blue in values between 00 and FF instead from from 0 to 255 like in RGB.