What does happily mean?

What does happily mean?

in a happy manner; with pleasure. by good fortune; providentially; luckily. felicitously; appropriately; aptly: a happily turned phrase.

What kind of word is happily?

happily adverb (PLEASED)6일 전

What is another word for happily?

What is another word for happily?

cheerfully gaily
gleefully joyfully
cheerily contentedly
delightedly gladly
agreeably delightfully

What is the root word for happily?

happily (adv.) mid-14c., “by chance or accident;” late 14c., “by good fortune, luckily,” from happy + -ly (2). Sense of “in pleasant circumstances, with mental pleasure and contentment” is from 1510s.

What is the antonym of happy?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#14572 unhappy
#17102 miserable
#17103 unsuccessful
#19538 unwilling

What is the root word of immediately?

“without intervening time or space, directly,” early 15c., from immediate + -ly (2).

What is the root word of worried?

The adjective worried describes someone who’s uneasy or troubled about something. The root of worried is the Old English word wyrgan, or strangle. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that worried was used to describe feeling anxiety.

What is the root word of honesty?

Honest comes from the Latin word honestus, which means “honorable or respected,” and around 1300, honest was popularly used to mean “respectable and of neat appearance.” We don’t use it these days to describe the way someone dresses, but instead how truthful they are, and sometimes to emphasize how simple and …

Does God put someone on your mind?

It’s pretty cool because when that happens (a picture of someone pops into your mind or you are reminded of them or you have them on your heart) it’s usually God reminding you of that person for a reason. He is also drawing you into a conversation with Him (prophecy and intercession).

What does God say about stress?

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).