What does Guey mean in Spanish slang?

What does Guey mean in Spanish slang?

Go anywhere in Mexico City and you can hear someone calling someone else “guey,” which means “ox” or “slow-witted.” The word, also spelled buey, once was an insult, but it has morphed over years of popular use to become Mexico’s version of “dude” or “bro.”

What does Calmate Mija mean?

calm down, dear Cálmate

What does Guey mean in text?

Güey, pronounced “whey,” is Mexican slang for “dumbass” or “idiot,” although it is can also be used more as a slang term for “man” or “dude.”

What is no Mames Wey?

No mames is sometimes extended to no mames güey (no-mah-mess-goo-ee) and no mames wey (no-mah-mess-way), which both roughly mean “No way, dude!” Wey and güey are both Spanish slang words meaning “dude” or “guy,” though wey can also connote “idiot.”

Whats No Mames mean?

No mames (literally means ‘don’t suck it’) is one of the most ubiquitous Mexican swearwords.

What does Mames mean?

Urbandictionary.com defines no mames as: Mexican slang that has 3 meanings: 1. it’s a vulgar or informal way to say “you’re kidding” 2.

What’s Chingona mean?

bad ass woman

Is Pendeja a bad word?

It’s a mildly vulgar insult for “asshole” or “idiot” in Spanish.

Why does he call me Chula?

Chula means cute. Its slang. As a New Yorican the term chula is indeed “cutie” and chulo as in “que papi chulo” is a fine (handsome) looking man. Chula means cutie and chulo means handsome.

What does Chulo and Chula mean?

chulo/chula Use it to compliment a part of someone’s outfit or to tell someone you think they look cute today. (Oddly enough, across the world in Spain, chulo/chula means “cool”—with both positive and negative connotations, depending on context.)

What is a Papi Chulo?

In Latin-American Spanish slang, a papi chulo is an attractive man. While the term originally names a pimp, it has broadened to refer to a ladies’ man.

What is a caliche driveway?

Caliche is the soil of the southwestern desert. They don’t have dirt roads there, they have roads of caliche. It is a form of lime, a crude sodium nitrate. When it is dry, which is most of the time, it rises around you in a pale, dusty cloud.

What is caliche soil?

Caliche is a whitish-gray or cream-colored soil layer that has been cemented by carbonates of calcium and magnesium. Caliche may occur as a soft, thin soil horizon (layer); a hard, thick bed; or a layer exposed to the surface by erosion (SSSA, 2001).

What softens hard soil?

Garden centers and lawncare services often advise applying gypsum (calcium sulfate) to your lawn to “decompact” a hard soil. This is supposed to accomplish softening by improving the structure of the compacted clay soil.

Does Gypsum break up caliche?

Gypsum is a mineral compound celebrated for its ability to break up dense clay soil. Caliche, however, is immune to gypsum.

Can you grow grass in caliche?

While no lawn grass will grow well in caliche conditions without proper soil amendment, buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides) may have a higher tolerance for these conditions and may be a good alternative, depending on your location.

How do you break up a caliche?

– If there are no other site options, break apart and discard as much caliche as possible before planting. You may need to rent a jackhammer to crack through it. If it is impractical to remove a large and deep expanse of caliche, create narrow drainage holes—or “chimneys”—through the layer.

Is Caliche acidic or alkaline?

Caliche (ca-lee-chee) is a sedimentary rock that binds calcium carbonate with soil particles of sand, silt and clay. Soil pH is a measure of the activity of hydrogen (H+) ions in solution. Basically, soils with high H activity are acidic and have pH less than neutral, 7.0, soils with pH greater than 7.0 are alkaline.

Is San Antonio soil acidic or alkaline?

Generally speaking, the alkalinity of our soil here has a pH about 8.2 or thereabouts. pH is a term used to express acidity or alkalinity, which is a measure of the relative number of free hydrogen ions.

Is Texas soil acidic or alkaline?

Soils in Texas generally have a pH between 4.5 and 8.5, but exceptions do occur. The significance of soil pH is that if your soil is too acid or alkaline, naturally occurring soil nutrients, or those that you add, are often not available to the plants.

How is caliche formed?

Some caliche forms by the upward movement of water through capillary action. As the water evaporates, dissolved materials precipitate, and, over time, can cement the soil or sediment. Caliche can also form beneath vegetation that extracts water from the ground and transpires it into the atmosphere.

Why is Arizona soil red?

Red soil may be derived from reddish-colored rock, such as the red sandstone common to the desert regions of Arizona, California and Nevada. However, red soil can come from rock that is not red in color but contains iron and manganese that become oxidized as the rock is broken down through weathering.