What does F mean in wrestling?

What does F mean in wrestling?

3 points (less than 8 points in individual match) Tournaments. Fall (F(time)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What is a ring rat in wrestling?

Noun. ring rat (plural ring rats) (professional wrestling, slang) A promiscuous person, often a young female, who attends professional wrestling events primarily to seek sexual liaisons with wrestlers and other performers.

Who is the biggest draw in wrestling history?

Stone Cold Steve Austin is the biggest draw in the history of the business. That goes for live events, merchandise, TV ratings and PPV buys. That is indisputable. When he caught fire in late 1996, he was the most popular wrestler on the planet for a good four years at a boom period – the Monday Night Wars.

How do wrestlers call a match?

For one thing, the play-by-play of the matches themselves, i.e. the wrestling, are not included in the TV script. Instead, the actual matches are denoted by a single line, "Match." And then, referring to the series of moves and maneuvers that end the match, there's "the finish."

What is a good hand in wrestling?

Good Hand (n): A wrestler who other wrestlers enjoy working with due to that wrestler being in total control during the match, not getting lost, and not working too stiff [dfn.] or too light [dfn.] Also called a "Steady Hand." Opposite is a "Poor Hand" or "Bad Hand."

What is a good guy called in wrestling?

In professional wrestling, a face (babyface) is a heroic or a "good guy" wrestler, booked (scripted) by the promotion with the aim of being cheered by fans.

What is a Smark?

smark. Noun. (plural smarks) A fan of professional wrestling who is aware that the matches are scripted but enjoys them nonetheless.

What are wrestling fans called?

3. Smark. 3 of 3. The term “mark” is perhaps the most commonly used term among wrestling fans. To be a wrestling “mark” is to be someone who buys into the emotion and characteristics of the storyline and characters.

How do they decide who wins in WWE?

If it's a match that doesn't mean much, you don't need Vince McMahon to call the shots. You have writers and agents putting the matches together. The actual matches are usually called in the ring. Wrestlers conceal as much as possible telling each other what happens next in a match.

What is a pop in wrestling?

In wrestling, a pop refers to the reaction of the crowd, often integrated into the show. It is measured by the amount of cheers or boos a wrestler gets during his entrance, interviews, and in-ring performance (especially when a trademark spot is performed by the wrestler).

What is a curtain jerker?

A curtain jerker means literally the 1st match in front of the crowd.

What is a dark match in wrestling?

A dark match is a non-televised match at a televised show used to warm up the crowd (compare "house show"). A dark match before the show is usually used to test out new talent (often local to the event) or before a WWE pay-per-view which features wrestlers who are not on the main card.

What does NC mean in wrestling?

No contest (abbreviated "NC") is a technical term used in some combat sports to describe a fight that ends for reasons outside the fighters' hands, without a winner or loser.

What is a hot tag?

1. Hot tag is a term that is used only during tag team matches in professional wrestling. The wrestler seems invincible and is able to beat both of his opponents with ease and looks to be the hero of the match. During this sequence, the wrestler who seems invincible usually ends up victorious.

What is a dusty finish?

The Dusty Finish is the nickname given to a specific ending to a wrestling match in which one wrestler appears to have scored a win only to have the decision reversed, often on some small technicality.

Is wrestling staged?

Also, while the events in wrestling are staged, the physicality is real. Like stunt performers, wrestlers execute feats of athleticism, fly, collide with each other and the floor — all while staying in character. Unlike stunt performers, wrestlers perform these staged contests in one take, before a live audience.

What is a wrestling jobber?

Jobber is a professional wrestling term used to describe a wrestler who is routinely defeated by main eventers, mid-carders, or low-carders. Most promoters do not use the term because of the negative connotation.

How do you bump in wrestling?

A bye is defined as the position of a participant in a tournament who advances to the next round without playing.

What does Babyface mean in wrestling?

In professional wrestling, a face (babyface) is a heroic or a "good guy" wrestler, booked (scripted) by the promotion with the aim of being cheered by fans. The face character is portrayed as a hero relative to the heel wrestlers, who are analogous to villains.

What is a smart mark in wrestling?

Smark (Smart Mark) – Person that is aware of the scripted nature of professional wrestling; they know it is fake and that the wrestlers cooperate to put on their matches. They favor performers that have honed their skills in indy feds and had many tours in Japan.

What does Stiff mean in wrestling?

Stiff is a term for when a wrestler puts excessive force into his attacks or maneuvers on his opponent, deliberately or accidentally.