What does err dim mismatch mean?

What does err dim mismatch mean?

You are trying to perform an operation that references one or more lists or matrices whose dimensions do not match. For example, trying to multiply a five-element list by a two-element list will produce this error because the number of elements in the lists do not match.

What is dim on a calculator?

The dim( command is used to find the size of an existing list or matrix. It takes only one argument – the list or matrix you want the size of. For a list, it returns the number of elements; for a matrix, it returns a two-element list of the number of rows and the number of columns.

Why am I getting a domain error on my calculator?

If you get a “domain error” message on your TI-84, then you will need to clear it. You also may need to examine the numbers you inputted for the set formulas.

What is a domain error?

A domain error occurs if an input argument is outside the domain over which the mathematical function is defined. An example of a domain error is the square root of a negative number, such as sqrt(-1.0) , which has no meaning in real arithmetic.

Why does my calculator says syntax error when graphing?

If you press [–] instead of [(-)] at the beginning of an entry, the calculator assumes you want to subtract what comes after the minus sign from the previous answer. If you use [–] instead of [(-)] in the interior of an expression to denote a negative number, the calculator responds with the ERR: SYNTAX error message.

Why does my calculator say invalid dim?

The ERR:INVALID DIMENSION error message may occur if you are trying to graph a function that does not involve the stat plot features. The error can be corrected by turning off the stat plots. To turn the stat plots off, press y , and then select 4:PlotsOff.

What is a syntax error example?

Syntax errors are mistakes in using the language. Examples of syntax errors are missing a comma or a quotation mark, or misspelling a word. MATLAB itself will flag syntax errors and give an error message.

How do I fix the error range on my TI 84?

There is no one good window range for all graphs, since graphs can have different areas of interest. Press the ZOOM key, then select ZStandard. This will restore the window settings to the default range, which will at least allow the graph to be displayed. You can then change the window range and/or zoom as desired.

What does err domain mean on TI-84?

DOMAIN. You usually get this message when you’re using a function housed on a menu of the calculator. If that function is, for example, expecting you to enter a number in a specified range, you get this error message if that number isn’t in the specified range.

How do you reset programs on a TI-84 Plus CE?

Press the right arrow button twice to scroll right, then select “1: All Memory.” Select “2: Reset.” Your TI-84 calculator will erase all data, programs, and apps from the device. When complete, the screen will display “RAM Cleared.” Your TI-84 will now be reset and restored to the original factory settings.

How do you fix the window on a graphing calculator?

Here are the steps to set your graphing window:

  1. Press [WINDOW] to access the Window editor. See the first screen.
  2. Enter nMax. Choose a value of nMax that is as large as you might need; try 100.
  3. Enter the Xmin. Enter Xmin = 0 for an aesthetically pleasing graph.
  4. Enter the Xmax.
  5. Enter the Ymin.
  6. Enter the Ymax.

What is shade Res on TI-84?

When a graph is displayed on your TI-84 Plus calculator, three options appear at the bottom of the screen. The Shades option redraws the graph shading only at the union or intersection of the regions.

How do I reset my GC calculator?

How to Reset a TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator

  1. Step One: Press the [2nd], and then [+] buttons. This will reveal your calculator’s memory options.
  2. Step Two: Select the “Reset…” option by scrolling down to it and pressing enter.
  3. Step Three: You should now see a screen with 3 tabs, “RAM”, “ARCHIVE”, and “ALL”.

Why does my graphing calculator say err window range?

Window range error or zoom error. Change the window parameters (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax) so that the window is larger or smaller, depending on the graph. Change the input to a valid value. Change the window parameters (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax) or Xfact and Yfact zoom factors.

What is the normal window range on a TI-84?

-10 to 10

How do you find zeros on a TI-84?

You can use your TI-84 Plus calculator to find the zeroes of a function. The zeros of the function y = f(x) are the solutions to the equation f(x) = 0. Because y = 0 at these solutions, these zeros (solutions) are really just the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts of the graph of y = f(x).

Can a TI 84 simplify equations?

The Equation Solver on your TI-84 Plus calculator is a great tool for solving one-variable equations.

How do you put a Ti 84 in degree mode?

Set your calculator to Degrees mode by pressing the MODE key, pressing the down arrow until you reach the row with the options “Degree” and “Radian,” highlighting “Degree” using the right arrow key, and pressing ENTER. Now all angles will be measured in degrees.