What does dummkopf mean?

What does dummkopf mean?

noun. a stupid person; dumbbell; blockhead.

What is a dumb cough?

A stupid person; a dolt. [German : dumm, dumb (from Middle High German tump, tumb, from Old High German tumb) + Kopf, head (from Middle High German, cup, cranium, from Old High German, cup, ultimately from Late Latin cuppa; see cup).]

Does Rosa love Liesel?

The Book Thief Death, however, tells us that Rosa, surprisingly, has a very big heart, and does, in fact, deeply love both Hans and Liesel.. She also cares for Max when he is ill, and she holds Hans’s accordion at night praying for Hans’s, and everybody else’s, safe return.

How many times does Death see Liesel?

Death sees the colours around him before he sees anything else. The story is told from his point of view, over the three times he sees the main character Liesel Meminger.

Why was Hans allowed to return home?

Why was Hans Hubermann allowed to return home? He was allowed to go home for a few weeks for his leg (that was injured in the military vehicle accident) to heal. Afterwards he would return to an army desk job.

How did holtzapfel die?

Robert is Frau Holtzapfel’s son. He dies in Stalingrad after losing both of his legs in an explosive blast.

What happens to Michael holtzapfel?

Towards the end of the book, Liesel realizes that Micheal can not sleep at night due to the guilt of himself living while Robert died. On July 24, 6:03 A.M. Micheal sneaks into a laundromat, jumps from a chair, and hangs himself. “He killed himself for wanting to live.”

How old is Liesel in Part 9?

Liesel is nine years old, almost ten, at the start of the novel. She is about fifteen toward the end of the novel when the bombs destroy her home and kill her loved ones. The novel ends when she is an old woman and Death comes to collect her soul.

Who is Frau holtzapfel?

Frau Holtzapfel The Hubermanns’ neighbor. She initially comes across as mean and uncharitable, as she has an ongoing feud with Rosa Hubermann and is rude to Liesel, but she turns out to be extremely vulnerable after the death of her son.

What is Frau Hermann’s first name?

Frau Hermann utters these lines to Liesel after she finds the name Johann Hermann in a book in Frau Hermann’s library. Although she never says his name, readers learn through the narrator Death that he was her son and he died in World War I.

Why does Hans slap Liesel?

When Hans slaps Liesel for saying she hates Hitler, he demonstrates his love for her by showing the extremes to which he will go in order to keep her from using words that will get her into trouble with the dangerous Nazi Party.

What happens to Ilsa Hermann’s son?

Johann is Ilsa Hermann’s son, who dies in 1918 in some sort of unexplained barbed-wire fence accident. Ilsa is still grieving and suffering over him twenty-two years later. Meeting Liesel helps Ilsa try to put it behind her and learn to live again.