What does diffidently mean?

What does diffidently mean?

1 : hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence. 2 : reserved, unassertive.

What is a good sentence for generate?

Examples of generate in a Sentence windmills used to generate electricity This business should generate a lot of revenue. We hope to generate some new ideas at the meeting. His theories have generated a great deal of interest among other scientists. Her comments have generated a good deal of excitement.

What does diffidence mean?

: the quality or state of being unassertive or bashful : the quality or state of being diffident.

What does disinterestedness mean?

: the quality or state of being objective or impartial.

What does difficult mean?

1 : hard to do, make, or carry out : arduous a difficult climb. 2a : hard to deal with, manage, or overcome a difficult child having a difficult time coping with her death. b : hard to understand : puzzling difficult reading found calculus too difficult.

What words mean difficult?


  • arduous,
  • Augean,
  • backbreaking,
  • challenging,
  • demanding,
  • effortful,
  • exacting,
  • formidable,

What does it mean when a material is strong?

Strength is a measure of a material’s resistance to permanent deformation or complete breakage under stress. Strong materials are able to resist heavy impacts, and are able to absorb and distribute large amounts of energy without breaking.

What is the difference between hardest and toughest?

When used as adjectives, hard means having a severe property, whereas tough means strong and resilient. Hard is also adverb with the meaning: with much force or effort. Tough is also verb with the meaning: to endure.

Is defined as with difficulty and hard work?

Laboriously is defined as with difficulty and hard work.

What’s another way to say hard work?


  • active.
  • busy.
  • determined.
  • diligent.
  • hard-working.
  • industrious.
  • laborious.
  • persevering.

What is the difficulty level?

Wiktionary. difficulty level(Noun) The relative difficulty of completing a task or objective. difficulty level(Noun) One of the difficulty settings in a video game.

What is it called when you work hard for something?

diligent. adjective. formal someone who is diligent works very hard and very carefully.

How do you work hard for something?

How to motivate yourself to work hard

  1. Break big goals into small tasks.
  2. Surround yourself with motivated people.
  3. Reward yourself.
  4. Give yourself breaks.
  5. Remember your “why.”
  6. Stay focused.
  7. Take care of yourself physically.
  8. Start your day with the most important task.

How do you know if someone is a hard worker?

Hard-Working Characteristics

  1. Punctuality and dependability.
  2. Initiative and flexibility.
  3. Motivation and priorities.
  4. Learning and self-reliance.
  5. Stamina and perseverance.
  6. Culturally fit.
  7. Team spirit.
  8. Marketable.

What does working hard mean?

: constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work : industrious, diligent a hardworking young woman “Our students have to be very hardworking and committed.

What happens if you work too hard?

If you’re working too hard, your body will tell you. People react to stress in a number of different ways, and whether you’re losing or gaining weight, suffering from mysterious migraines, or having trouble sleeping, it usually comes down to the same thing – you’re not giving yourself enough of a break.

How do you work hard to be successful?

Let me list six simple things that help in your quest to be a success.

  1. # 1. Get up early. This one seems funny but it’s true.
  2. # 2. Focus on what matters. Each day.
  3. #3. Pay attention to detail.
  4. #4. Do more listening, less talking.
  5. #5. Develop yourself.
  6. #6. Practice mental toughness.
  7. Final thought. Have fun.

Is hard working one or two words?

Thus, differing answers. Merriam Webster Dictionary (American English) does not have a definition for hard-working, but refers one to the word hardworking. Conversely, typing hardworking in the Oxford Dictionary (British) returns with the definition under the word hard-working. Both dictionaries are helpful.

What is the meaning of time honored?

adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] A time-honoured tradition or way of doing something is one that has been used and respected for a very long time. There is a time-honoured tradition of British actors moving to the US.

What is difference between hard work and smart work?

Possible Answer #1 The difference between hard work and smart work is based on how I approach my task. Hard work would mean spending long hours to complete my work without any shortcuts. Smart work would be aiming for the same results but with planning and prioritization of tasks.

What part of speech is hard working?

The words hard and hardly are especially difficult. Hard is both an adjective and an adverb. You can say “The bed was hard,” using the adjective, which means it is “very firm.” You can also say, “I worked hard,” using the adverb, which means “with a lot of effort.” Hardly is an adverb.

What kind of noun is hard work?

Answer. Answer: On other words abstract nouns are the words which cannot be experienced through sensory organs. Therefore the abstract noun for ‘hard’ is hardness Herein ,abstract noun ‘hardness’ refers to the noun which can not be senced by smell ,eyes touch,or test.

What is an adjective for hard working?

assiduous, diligent, industrious, laborious, sedulous, attentive, careful, persevering, persistent, studious, thorough, unflagging, conscientious, demanding, painstaking, punctilious, swotty, ultra-careful, accurate, active, bustling, busy, close, constant, correct, elaborate, employed, engaged, exacting, hopping.

How do you describe effort?

Definition of effort

  1. 1 : conscious exertion of power : hard work a job requiring time and effort.
  2. 2 : a serious attempt : try making an effort to reduce costs.
  3. 3 : something produced by exertion or trying the novel was her most ambitious effort.