
What does dehydration literally mean its word parts quizlet?

What does dehydration literally mean its word parts quizlet?

Dehydrate. To LOSE or REMOVE water — to take water away. Hydro. Means “Water” – to GAIN water.

What’s the opposite of dehydration synthesis?

Hydrolysis reactions

How are dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis opposites of each other quizlet?

Dehydration synthesis is essentially the opposite of hydrolysis. Dehydration is when you start off with 2 monomers and hydrolysis is when you start of with a polymer and water. The products of hydrolysis are two new monomers.

What does Phagia mean?

or -phagy. suff. The eating of a specified substance or eating in a specified manner: dysphagia. [Greek -phagiā, from phagein, to eat; see bhag- in Indo-European roots.]

What is the technical term for indigestion?

Digestive system Indigestion — also called dyspepsia or an upset stomach — is a general term that describes discomfort in your upper abdomen. Indigestion is not a disease, but rather some symptoms you experience, including abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness soon after you start eating.

Which term means pain or discomfort in digestion?


Which test would tell the presence of Melena?

Chabner, Language of Medicine 8th Edition, Ch 6 Add’l Suffix & Digestive Terms

Question Answer
WHICH TEST would tell the presence of melena? (melena = black tarry stools; feces containing digested blood.) Stool guaiac (hemoccult, -occult = hidden, hem/o = blood) Guaiac is pronounced gwee-ack.

What suffix means abnormal softening?

suffix -malacia

What is the suffix of Cephalad?

Cephalad (cephal-ad): Cephalad is a directional term used in anatomy to indicate positioning toward the head or anterior end of the body. Cephalalgia (cephal-algia): Pain located in or near the head is called cephalalgia. Cephalic (cephal-ic): Cephalic means of or relating to the head, or located near the head.