What does CVCe stand for?

What does CVCe stand for?

consonant-vowel-consonant-final eThere are several regular long vowel spelling patterns in the English language. The c-v-c-e pattern (consonant-vowel-consonant-final e) is a long vowel spelling pattern which occurs quite frequently in early reading and spelling.

What are oddball words?

In many of their word sorts, “oddball” words are included. For example, in their ai word sort from Word Sorts for Within Word Pattern Spellers, said is included as an oddball word because it fits the visual pattern of ai, but does not have the long a sound.

What does CVC CVCe CVVC mean?

Consonant Vowel Consonant silentDefinition of Terms. CVC –Consonant Vowel Consonant (usually makes a short vowel sound) CVCe — Consonant Vowel Consonant silent e (usually makes a long vowel sound) CVVC —Consonant Vowel Vowel Consonant (usually makes a long vowel sound)

What are CVC and CVCe words?

The label CVC refers to the consonants to the left and right of the short vowel. The label CVCe refers to the pattern of consonants and vowels for the long vowel. These are words that have the CVCe pattern, but have a short vowel sound still, such as have and done.

What are some CVC words?

CVC words are words created using a consonant, vowel, and a consonant. Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O and U, while consonants are all the other letters in the alphabet. Examples of CVC words can include 'new', 'hat', 'cot', 'lit', and 'pit'.

What are vowel team words?

Vowel Teams are when two vowels stick together to make one sound. Think of the vowel sounds in words like rain, play, green, key, goat, boil, etc.