What does cleaner than a duck fart mean?

What does cleaner than a duck fart mean?

duck-fart. Noun. (uncountable) A layered (not mixed) drink made of Kahlua, Bailey's Irish cream and Crown Royal (in that order, and ideally with just a float of Crown). After a bad day of duck hunting nothing goes down better than a good duck fart.

Do worms fart?

Last year, a bunch of researchers listed which animals they studied farted. According to their list, it appears that some worms don't pass gas either. Some scientists have found that a lot of them don't usually carry the same kinds of gas-forming bacteria in their guts that humans and other mammals do.

What is a duck fart in baseball?

A softly hit ball that goes over the infielders and lands in the outfield for a hit. Originally called a "duck fart" because it was assumed that a duck's feathers would make its farts as soft (or quiet) as the hit. Changed to a "snort" for use in polite company.

What is in a shot of love?

The Shot of Love is a red colored shot recipe made from Three Olives orange vodka, black raspberry liqueur and cranberry juice, and served in a shot glass.

Whats in the drink duck fart?

A Duck Fart is a layered shot with Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream and whiskey. The Kahlua is the bottom layer, the Bailey's floats on top of the Kahlua for the middle layer and then a good amount of whiskey gets poured on top of the Bailey's.