What does Ciate mean in Spanish?

What does Ciate mean in Spanish?

votes. The verb callar is to be quiet. What they are saying is “callate” or “callete” which are imperative commands to be quiet. It’s the equivalent of “shut up” in English.

What is mijo?

Mija is a friendly, informal way for Spanish speakers and writers to refer to female friends or romantic partners, especially prevalent among older people to address a younger woman. Mijo is used just like mija, meaning “my son” among family or elders or “buddy” among close male friends.

What does it mean when a girl calls you mi amor?

“Mi amor” is a term of endearment, like “hon” or “sweetie”.

What is the opposite of Gordo in Spanish?


What does the word Morena mean in Spanish?

Morena is an Italian, Portuguese and Spanish feminine given name derived from the term moreno, meaning “brown, brown-haired.” It is a popular name in Argentina, where it was the second most popular name given to baby girls born in Córdoba, Argentina in 2009.

What does Serena Morena mean?

“Serena morena” and “sereno moreno” are just a way to say “chill mate”. though it litteraly means “serene brown-skined” not many people use it referring to skin, it’s more like a friendly way to tell your friends to slow down or relax.

What is the opposite of Morena?


What is the opposite of bonito in Spanish?

Bonita is the feminine form of the Spanish adjective bonito, meaning nice or pretty….What is the opposite of bonita?

ugly unattractive
gruesome malformed
misshapen monstrous
revolting unappealing
uninviting foul

What is the opposite of Guapo in Spanish?

Guapo refers to the Spanish adjective meaning handsome or good-looking. As a Spanish word, it has no antonyms in English, but one could use the Spanish antonym “feo.”

What is the opposite of Malo in Spanish?


What does Malo stand for?

Military Academy Liaison Officer

Is Malo masculine or feminine?

“Malo” is an adjective, its feminine form is “mala” (“malos” and “malas” in plural). El auto está malo (the car is not working, lit. “the car is wrong”) La comida está mala (the food is bad). Pay attention to the fact that adjectives in Spanish, place before a masculine singular noun will lose the “o”.

What is the opposite of Jovenes in Spanish?

a. lo contrario de “joven” The opposite of “young” is “old.”Lo contrario de “joven” es “viejo”. Word Forms.

What is the opposite of Simpatico in Spanish?


What is the opposite of Antipatico in Spanish?

lo contrario de antipático

Simpático es lo contrario de antipático. Pleasant is the opposite of unpleasant.
Lo contrario de antipático es simpático. The opposite of unfriendly is friendly.

What is the opposite of Rubio in Spanish?

opuesto de rubio. Play. Copy. Word-by-word. opposite.