What does chides mean?

What does chides mean?

intransitive verb. : to speak out in angry or displeased rebuke is quick to chide against the mayor for his negligence. transitive verb. : to voice disapproval to : reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner : scold She chided us for arriving late.

What is Chidede in English?

to speak to someone severely because they have behaved badly: She chided him for his bad manners. Synonyms. berate formal. lambaste.

How do you use chide in a sentence?

Chide sentence example She didn’t chide me for calling early. He will not chide continually, nor keep his anger still. A’Ran knew he should chide her as he would his sisters and remind her of her place, but the words died before reaching his lips. “Billie didn’t even say hello, Vinnie,” Dean continued to chide .

What does it mean to be hornswoggled?

transitive verb. slang. : to trick or deceive (someone) : bamboozle, hoax … trying to avoid getting hornswoggled by advertising claims …—

What does bamboozled mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to deceive by underhanded methods : dupe, hoodwink I got bamboozled by the salesperson to buy a more expensive model. 2 : to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely a quarterback bamboozled by an unexpected defense.

Where did the term Hornswoggled come from?

Say you’ve been hornswoggled! American English has a rich array of verbs to refer to swindling someone, like bamboozle, hoodwink, and humbug. Hornswoggle is one that’s particularly fun to say. According to one story, the word comes from the way that a lassoed cow would move its head back and forth to try to break free.

What does mosey along mean?

to go away

What does hightailed it mean?

intransitive verb. : to move at full speed or rapidly often in making a retreat —usually used with it hightailed it out of there.

What does go on mean?

informal. something that you say to encourage someone to say or do something: Go on, what happened next?.

Where does the term high tail come from?

: : : : “HIGHTAIL — a slang expression meaning ‘to leave in a great hurry,’ is a Western expression and was originally used to describe the way a herd of mustangs will break and race away when ‘spooked’ or frightened by the approach of cowboys.” From Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins by William and Mary …

What does no good varmint mean?

Varmint is an informal word that means “wild animal” or “critter.” Your uncle Bob might see a mouse and yell loudly, “Get out of my kitchen, you varmint!”

Is a skunk a varmint?

Skunks. Of the many animals we consider varmints, the skunk stands out for its stink. We know that one of the reasons this small mammal thrives is its ability to ward off potential predators with a raise of the tail. Skunks tend to dig under buildings, get into garbage cans, and tear up lawns in their search for food.

What means varmint?

1 : an animal considered a pest specifically : one classed as vermin and unprotected by game law. 2 : a contemptible person : rascal broadly : person, fellow.

Is a rabbit a varmint?

Common varmints include various rodents, coyotes, crows, foxes, feral cats, feral hogs, and groundhogs. rodents and lagomorphs that can damage cropland or pastures or carry disease: beaver, groundhogs, muskrat, coypu (also known as nutria), prairie dogs, porcupine, rabbits, rats, and squirrels.

Is Rabbit a rodent family?

Introduction to the Rodentia. The single largest group of mammals is the Rodentia. (Incidentally, the Rodentia does not include rabbits; rabbits differ from rodents in having an extra pair of incisors and in other skeletal features. Rabbits, hares, and a few other species make up the Lagomorpha.

Who has had the highest IQ?

Marilyn vos Savant