What does bottom say as he pretends to kill himself?

What does bottom say as he pretends to kill himself?

What does Bottom say as he pretends to kill himself? “I want to live, to live, to live.”

Where is Polonius when he is killed?

Polonius is hiding behind a tapestry/curtain when he’s stabbed by Hamlet. Symbolically, Shakespeare may have used this as a comment about all of the lies being spun by various characters, including Polonius and Hamlet.

Who is responsible for Polonius death?

King Claudius

Why does Ophelia go crazy?

Why does Ophelia go mad? Ophelia goes mad because her father, Polonius, whom she deeply loved, has been killed by Hamlet. The fact that this grief drives Ophelia to madness reveals her overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness, and the power that the men in Ophelia’s life wield over her.

Why did Hamlet kill Polonius?

Hamlet believed that Claudius was spying on him from behind the tapestry and hoped to kill his unscrupulous uncle. Overall, Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius after mistaking him for King Claudius, who he believes is spying on him from behind the tapestry in Gertrude’s chamber.

Why does the king tell Laertes he will not kill Hamlet himself?

Why does the King tell Laertes he will not kill Hamlet himself? Claudius knows that Laertes will do anything to avenge his father’s death so Claudius uses this to his advantage.

Did Gertrude deserve to die?

Q: “They all deserve to die.” Discuss. death. that Claudius deserves death if he indeed did commit treason and kill King Hamlet. Therefore, Gertrude truly did not deserve death.

Why does Claudius say he sent Hamlet away instead of punishing him for his crimes?

The second reason Claudius gives for not punishing Hamlet is his popularity with the people of Denmark. He says that the populace so admires Hamlet that would be willing to overlooks his faults, and that things most people would judge to be wrong, they would excuse for Hamlet’s sake.

Why does Laertes want revenge?

In 4.5, Laertes is bent on revenge against Hamlet due to the fact that he has killed Polonius, his father. Now while this might be a slight exaggeration on the part of Laertes, it does prove the point that he is completely committed to seeking revenge on Hamlet due to him killing his father. …

Is Laertes a good person?

Laertes is not a part of most of the play in Hamlet but returns to Denmark after the death of his father Polonius. Laertes is a fierce, compulsive person who acts without thinking. He is also brave and ready to kill anyone who might have been a part of his father’s death.

Does Laertes want to kill Claudius?

Hamlet knows that Laertes was a major partner to King Claudius in crime during the reign of king Hamlet. In anger, he also seeks to kill Claudius an issue that makes him to kill Polonius by mistake. Laertes on the other hand is aware that Hamlet killed his father by mistake and out of anger.

Is Laertes justified in seeking revenge?

Laertes is justified to revenge his father’s murder given that Polonius had not committed any crime for him to die in the hands of Hamlet. He says that he has to denounce his allegiance to Hamlet and thoroughly revenge for his father.

Why did Fortinbras want revenge?

Fortinbras’ father, the King of Norway, was killed and in order to seek revenge on his death he wanted to get back the land that his father had lost to the old King Hamlet. Unlike Hamlet, Fortinbras is known for quickly seeking revenge. Hamlet on the other hand thought about his revenge for a longer period of time.

How is Laertes a foil to Hamlet?

Laertes is a major foil of Hamlet. Laertes was in the play so Hamlet would have someone to fight at the end of the play. Both Hamlet and Laertes want revenge for their fathers’ deaths. Hamlet and Laertes loved Laertes sister Ophelia.

Why is Horatio a foil to Hamlet?

Horatio serves as Hamlet’s foil throughout the play and is his loyal friend. As was mentioned in the previous post, Horatio is trustworthy, rational, and level-headed. Hamlet confides in Horatio throughout the play, and Horatio is always quick to offer sound advice.

Why does Ophelia go crazy and how is this a foil to Hamlet?

The other member of Laertes’ family, Ophelia, however, is loved by both Laertes and Hamlet, and Ophelia’s death results in their confrontational duel, which in turn results in their respective deaths, both indirectly killed by Claudius. Ophelia herself is a foil to Hamlet. It is implied that her death was accidentally.

How is Hamlet a foil to Fortinbras?

Of course, Fortinbras was going to sit by after his father was killed; instead, he raises an army. These estimations of Fortinbras build a connection between him and Hamlet, making him a foil for the protagonist. Both men have lost their fathers and now seek retribution. A point of difference is their family relations.

Why is Hamlet jealous of Fortinbras?

Fortinbras is a foil for Hamlet because both men are princes seeking to avenge their fathers’ deaths. Hamlet wants to avenge his father’s murder. Fortinbras wants to avenge his father’s death and loss of territory in Poland.

Who is a foil character to Hamlet?

Claudius. Claudius is Hamlet’s uncle and serves as an immediate foil to the prince. Hamlet wants to be king following his father’s death, but Claudius marries Hamlet’s mother and assumes the throne.

Is Hamlet actually insane?

Hamlet may already be going mad when the play begins, and his later decision to fake madness is just a cover for real insanity. Although several characters see the Ghost during Act One, only Hamlet hears it speak, which opens the possibility that the Ghost’s speech is a hallucination of Hamlet’s.

Did Hamlet really love Ophelia?

It is likely that Hamlet really was in love with Ophelia. Readers know Hamlet wrote love letters to Ophelia because she shows them to Polonius. He professes his love for Ophelia again to Laertes, Gertrude, and Claudius after Ophelia has died, saying, “I loved Ophelia.

Why did Hamlet go insane?

Hamlet is also aware that Claudius will begin spying on him and threatens to interrupt his bloody plans. Therefore, Hamlet decides to feign madness as a way to confuse Claudius and distract him from becoming suspicious. Hamlet essentially desires to conceal his malevolent intentions and suppress Claudius’s suspicions.

Is Hamlet truly mad or feigning madness?

In faking his madness, Hamlet becomes the role he is playing, he turns mad. Hamlet was perceived in the beginning of the play as a very intelligent and knowledgeable young man, but his mental health declined with his feigning of madness and he soon became a character of madness.