What does Bon mean in Portuguese?

What does Bon mean in Portuguese?

The Next Generation of translation! Download it's free. bon. (French) good, beautiful, pretty, fair. (French) good, beautiful, pretty, fair. Translate the Portuguese term bon to other languages.

Is Portuguese a form of Spanish?

As Spanish and Portuguese are both Romance languages, they share similarities with the other Romance languages like French and Italian. Portuguese has a lot of slurred sounds, it is a very fluid language, as opposed to Spanish, where words are more deliberate.

What does Tico mean in Portuguese?

Tico is a colloquial term for a native of Costa Rica. Costa Ricans are usually called ticos by themselves and persons of other Spanish-speaking countries, in place of the more formal costarricenses. There are two popular explanations of the origin of the term tico.

What does Nina mean in Portuguese?

nina. lullaby, soothing song sung to children at bedtime. lullaby, soothing song sung to children at bedtime. Translate the Portuguese term nina to other languages.