What does Bombination mean?

What does Bombination mean?

bombinate \BAHM-buh-nayt\ verb. : to make a sustained deep murmuring, humming, or buzzing sound : buzz, drone.

How do you use foible in a sentence?

Foible sentence example

  1. The man could tolerate his companion’s foible because it was covered by his many admirable qualities.
  2. The minor foible in the woman’s character made her unsuitable for the career she really wanted.
  3. The foible is the part right under the tip.

What does Foilable mean?

Filters. Capable of being foiled.

What part of speech is foible?

noun. a minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect:an all-too-human foible. the weaker part of a sword blade, between the middle and the point (opposed to forte).

What do peddlers sell?

A peddler is someone who sells things, but it’s a very specific type of selling. Peddlers — also known as hawkers and pitchmen — travel from town to town, especially with a carnival or circus. Peddlers are also found on the street, selling many different things, from jewelry to DVDs.

What is meant by cheap jacks?

The term “cheap Jack” (sometimes “cheapjack”) refers to a seller of cheap or inferior quality goods. The person being referred to is often a traveling salesperson. The term is also sometimes used as an adjective describing goods of inferior quality or construction.

What are you peddling?

When you peddle something, you go out and try to sell it. It’s cute when a little kid peddles his homemade birthday cards around the neighborhood, but if an adult did that it might be annoying.

What is Peedle?

Peedle. The trickle of pee when holding back a sneeze.

What is a homonym for peddle?

More about “Pedal” and “Peddle” The words “pedal” and “peddle” sound identical. Therefore, they are homonyms. (More, specifically, “pedal” and “peddle” are a type of homonym called homophones.)

What are the types of itinerant retailers?

Itinerant retailers may be of four types. They are Hawkers and peddlers, cheap jacks, market traders; and street traders.

What type of services is given by cheap jacks?

(iv) Cheap jacks: They keep on changing their business from one locality to another, depending upon the potentiality of the area. However, the change of place is not as frequent as in the case of hawkers or market traders. They deal in consumer items as well as services such as repair of watches, shoes, buckets etc.

Who are itinerant class 11?

Answer: Itinerant traders are retailers who do not have a fixed place of operation. That is, they do not have a shop from where they sell their products. They are also known as mobile traders as they keep moving from place to place in order to sell their products. Question 3.

What are the two types of internal trade?

Internal trade can be classified into two broad categories viz., (i) wholesale trade and (ii) retail trade.