What does BIO do in FFX?

What does BIO do in FFX?

Final Fantasy X Bio is found in Lulu’s section of the Sphere Grid and it inflicts Poison status on an enemy for the cost of 10 MP. It never fails unless the target is completely immune to Poison.

What is Demi FFX?

Demi is a spell that reduces HP by 1/2 for 24 MP.

What is dispel ff7?

Dispel is a magical spell in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Dispel Remove all beneficial status effects. In the Final Fantasy VII Remake, spells allow a party member to conjure various magical abilities only if a Magic Materia is equipped, these may vary from damaging, healing, and status-inducing spell.

Where is auto-Life on the sphere grid?

Auto-Life is a spell obtained on Yuna’s section of the Sphere Grid—it is located right next to the beginning of the path, but one needs a Lv. 4 and a Lv. 1 Key Sphere to reach it. It is also found on Rikku’s path on the expert Sphere Grid.

Where is holy on the sphere grid?

As for Holy’s location, if you’re on the Expert Grid, I think you need a Lvl 2 and Lvl 4 Key Sphere to reach it. It is located at the top of the grid, above Full Life. For Standard, Holy is located near Rikku’s starting spot (with Steal and Use) I think. You say you are near Fira and Watera etc.

Where do I send rikku sphere grid?

The general consensus for the best section of the sphere grid for everyone to go after completing their own (except in the case of Wakka) is Wakka’s section of the sphere grid. Everyone except Wakka goes to Wakka’s, unless you want Yuna and Lulu to interchange for some reason.

Where is provoke on Sphere Grid?

Provoke is a Special ability found in Tidus’s section of the Sphere Grid. It costs 4 MP to use and inflicts the Provoke status onto an enemy.

Should I use standard or expert sphere grid?

The standard sphere grid has more nodes, longer character paths, and characters are much more regulated to their own grids. The expert grid has less notes, but characters start close to each other on the grid and it’s easy to take someone down any path. You’ll also reach abilities quicker.

Where is flare FFX?

It’s in the upper left corner, in Rikku’s Sphere path.

How does Vivi learn flare?

Flare is a Black Magic spell for Vivi that deals non-elemental damage, but cannot be toggled to target more than one foe. Vivi can learn the spell for 95 AP by equipping the Black Robe, and costs 40 MP to cast. It can also be used in Steiner’s Sword Magic.

What is Zettaflare?

Beyond terabytes, are petabytes, exabytes, and zetabytes, each being 1000 of the previous one. This means that the Zettaflare is the equivalent of one sextillion flares, which would be written out as a one followed by 21 zeros. When compared to the Terraflare which Bahamut used, it is 1 billion times stronger.

What is Sphere Grid FFX?

The Sphere Grid (スフィア盤, Sufia Ban?, lit. Sphere Board) is the ability and character development system in Final Fantasy X. It is a roughly circular grid of interconnected nodes arranged in smaller circular clusters containing the abilities and special skills player characters can learn.

How does the sphere grid work?

The Sphere Grid, Defined Each character starts at one place on the board, and through gaining AP in battle, may move along the board picking up stat increases, and learning battle abilities as they go. After every battle, your characters will receive AP. When you receive enough AP, your S.Lv (Sphere Level) increases.

How do I use empty nodes in FFX?

Stat spheres are violet colored spheres that you can use on the node your character currently is or nodes neighboring your current node. This will allow you to turn those empty nodes to a stat node of the current sphere used. You can then use attribute spheres to activate the said nodes.