
What does as mean?

What does as mean?

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How do you use the word as in a sentence?

As sentence example

  1. She’s as perfect as she can be.
  2. Her face warmed as she thought of it.
  3. As she left the kitchen, his voice followed her.
  4. For a few minutes they held on to each other, kissing as if they hadn’t seen each other in a week.
  5. He pulled away from her, propping up on an elbow as he studied her face.

How do you use the word so in a sentence?

So sentence example

  1. I know you must be tired, so I will let you rest.
  2. He spoke so well that everybody was pleased.
  3. I know I’m not much account; but I’m the only horse in all the Land of Oz, so they treat me with great respect.
  4. You are so eloquent.

Why is the word so used so much?

Some observers suggest it’s an annoying conversational tic, like “um” or “er” — a verbal throat-clearing. Others insist that “so” has a function at the start of a sentence. “People think those little words you put at the beginning of a sentence” — so, like, well, y’know — “are bad things, without meaning,” she says.

Where do we use next to?

next to

  • 1in or into a position right beside someone or something We sat next to each other.
  • 2following in order or importance after someone or something Next to skiing my favorite sport is skating.
  • almost Charles knew next to nothing about farming.
  • in comparison with someone or something Next to her I felt like a fraud.