What does AKC inspected mean?

What does AKC inspected mean?

American Kennel Club inspections are performed to make sure that all kennels and breeders registered with the AKC comply with their policies. Any breeder or kennel who registers 4 or more litters in a year may be inspected by the AKC.

Why the AKC is bad?

It's gotten so bad that some breed clubs have even fought AKC recognition of their breed because they don't want to see the animals exploited like cash crops. It's clear that the AKC has aligned itself with the puppy mills that cause so many problems for dogs in our society.

How many liters does AKC allow?

12 litersAkc allows registration of 12 liters per female . There are 8-9 MILLION animals every year being killed in shelters across the us.

Can you report a breeder to the AKC?

Improper practices can be reported. The AKC is not a government agency, and we cannot shut down a breeder, nor can we take dogs off property. We do, however, in any case where a dog is in any danger or being treated improperly, report the breeder to local authorities and sanction them where necessary.