What does a sound mind mean?

What does a sound mind mean?

sound mind. Legally, having the capacity to think, reason, and understand for oneself. Adults by nature are considered in general to be in sound mind, but through certain circumstances can be rendered as being not in sound mind, due to intensive brain damage or other major incapacities.

What does a spirit of fear mean?

As promised, I am going to address the "spirit of fear"! Fear is a normal, natural flight response to a danger in our surroundings. It intends to keep you from fulfilling the destiny that God has on your life; from living a joyful, spirit led existence where you give to others out of the overflow of love in your life.

What does the Bible mean by a sound mind?

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. – 2 Timothy 1:7. The word “self-control” or “sound mind” only appears once in scripture. It is found in 2 Timothy 1:7. The Greek word for self-control is sōphronismos, which means “saving the mind” or “moderation”.