What does a 1/2 AP mean?

What does a 1/2 AP mean?

Apothem – a segment from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of a side. Radius – a segment from the center to a vertex. To find the area of a regular polygon – A = 1/2ap where a = apothem and p = perimeter. Page 2. 9.2(2).notebook.

What is the value of Apothem?

A Table of Values

Type Name when Regular Apothem
Octagon Regular Octagon 0.924
Pentacontagon Regular Pentacontagon 0.998
(Note: values correct to 3 decimal places only)

How do you find an area of a polygon?

To find the area of a regular polygon, all you have to do is follow this simple formula: area = 1/2 x perimeter x apothem. Here is what it means: Perimeter = the sum of the lengths of all the sides.

How do you find the area of Apothem?

You also learned the formula for finding the area of any regular polygon if you know the length of one side and the apothem: A = (n × s × a)2 A = ( n × s × a ) 2 , where n is the number of sides, s is the length of one side, and a is the apothem.

Do you find area?

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its height by its width. For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) and then multiply this by itself to find the area.

What is the Apothem of a triangle?

The apothem is the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of a side. In this case we have a triangle so the Apothem is the distance from the center of the triangle to the midpoint of the side of the triangle. The Apothem is perpendicular to the side of the triangle, and creates a right angle.

What is the Apothem octagon?

Apothem: A line segment drawn from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of one of its sides. Example 3: Find the length of the apothem in the regular octagon.

What is Apothem of a hexagon?

When a hexagon is regular it has six equal side lengths and an apothem. An apothem is a line segment from the center of a polygon to the middle point of any one side.

What is Radius triangle?

The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is the radius of the circumscribed circle of that polygon. For a triangle, it is the measure of the radius of the circle that circumscribes the triangle. Since every triangle is cyclic, every triangle has a circumscribed circle, or a circumcircle.

What is Orthocentre of a triangle?

The orthocenter is the point where all the three altitudes of the triangle cut or intersect each other. Here, the altitude is the line drawn from the vertex of the triangle and is perpendicular to the opposite side. Since the triangle has three vertices and three sides, therefore there are three altitudes.

What is Circumcenter of Triangle?

The circumcenter of a triangle is defined as the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of that particular triangle intersect. In other words, the point of concurrency of the bisector of the sides of a triangle is called the circumcenter.

What is r in properties of triangle?

The angles of the triangle ABC are denoted by A, B, C and the corresponding opposite sides by a, b, c. 2. s denotes the semi-perimeter of the triangle ABC, ∆ its area and R the radius of the circle circumscribing the triangle ABC i.e., R is the circum-radius.

What are the 5 properties of a triangle?

Properties of a Triangle

  • A triangle has three sides, three vertices, and three angles.
  • The sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is always 180°.
  • The sum of the length of two sides of a triangle is always greater than the length of the third side.
  • A triangle with vertices P, Q, and R is denoted as △PQR.

What is r1 r2 r3 in Triangle?

r = s. Δ , r1 =∆ / s − a/, r2 = ∆/s − b, r3 = ∆/ s − c. r+r1+r2-r3=4Rcosc.

How do you find R in a triangle?

You are familiar with the formula R=12bh to find the area of a triangle where b is the length of a base of the triangle and h is the height, or the length of the perpendicular to the base from the opposite vertex.

How do you solve right triangles?

Key Takeaways

  1. The Pythagorean Theorem, a2+b2=c2, a 2 + b 2 = c 2 , is used to find the length of any side of a right triangle.
  2. In a right triangle, one of the angles has a value of 90 degrees.
  3. The longest side of a right triangle is called the hypotenuse, and it is the side that is opposite the 90 degree angle.

What is the formula for Inradius?

Calculating the radius Its radius, the inradius (usually denoted by r) is given by r = K/s, where K is the area of the triangle and s is the semiperimeter (a+b+c)/2 (a, b and c being the sides).

How do you find Circumradius?

To find the length of the circumradius of the triangle, we can use a handy formula. We just need to know the lengths of all the sides of the triangle. If a triangle has side lengths a, b, and c, then the circumradius has the following length: R = (abc) / √((a + b + c)(b + c – a)(c + a – b)(a + b – c))

How do you find the height in a triangle?

How to find the height of a triangle – formulas

  1. area = b * h / 2 , where b is a base, h – height.
  2. so h = 2 * area / b.

What is the radius of the circle circumscribing the triangle?

For a triangle △ABC, let s = 12 (a+b+ c). Then the radius R of its circumscribed circle is R=abc4√s(s−a)(s−b)(s−c). In addition to a circumscribed circle, every triangle has an inscribed circle, i.e. a circle to which the sides of the triangle are tangent, as in Figure 12.

What is the angle of this triangle?

The interior angles of a triangle always add up to 180° while the exterior angles of a triangle are equal to the sum of the two interior angles that are not adjacent to it. Another way to calculate the exterior angle of a triangle is to subtract the angle of the vertex of interest from 180°.

Is a chord sometimes a radius?

A chord is sometimes a radius. A chord can be longer than a diameter of the same circle. A chord can be shorter than a radius of the same circle. A radius is always congruent to another radius of the same circle.

What is the Circumradius of equilateral triangle?

Circumscribed circle of an equilateral triangle is made through the three vertices of an equilateral triangle. The radius of a circumcircle of an equilateral triangle is equal to (a / √3), where ‘a’ is the length of the side of equilateral triangle.

What is ex radius?

The radius of an excircle. Let a triangle have exradius (sometimes denoted ), opposite side of length and angle , area , and semiperimeter .

What is the height of an equilateral triangle?

Equilateral triangle area and height and the equation for the height of equilateral triangle look as follows: h = a * √3 / 2 , where a is a side of the triangle.

What is the Circumradius of an equilateral triangle of side 8 cm?

Hence , the circumradius is 8/√3 cm.

What is the area of an equilateral triangle?

In general, the height of an equilateral triangle is equal to √3 / 2 times a side of the equilateral triangle. The area of an equilateral triangle is equal to 1/2 * √3s/ 2 * s = √3s2/4.

What is Circumradius and Inradius of a triangle?

Inradius The inradius( r ) of a regular triangle( ABC ) is the radius of the incircle (having center as l), which is the largest circle that will fit inside the triangle. Circumradius: The circumradius( R ) of a triangle is the radius of the circumscribed circle (having center as O) of that triangle.

What is Orthocentre?

Orthocenter – the point where the three altitudes of a triangle meet (given that the triangle is acute) Circumcenter – the point where three perpendicular bisectors of a triangle meet. Centroid- the point where three medians of a triangle meet.