What do you soak reusable pads in?

What do you soak reusable pads in?

Add a little white vinegar to the water of your last rinse to help keep the fabric soft. This is especially useful if you live in an area with hard water. Add a few drops of essential oil to the water, i.e. Rose, Lavender or Lemongrass, to give your pads a lovely scent. Our Foldable Pad is ideal for quick drying.

What temperature should you wash reusable pads?

However, prevention is better than cure so ideally wetting the pad with cold water before any blood dries is preferential. All pads have care labels but generally the rule is to wash at 40deg as higher temperatures can “set” a stain. Don't use any fabric softener.

Are reusable menstrual pads sanitary?

With the right maintenance, reusable products are just as sanitary. For cloth pads, most recommend soaking them overnight in water (you can add hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil to sanitize further) and toss them in the wash for a hot water cycle. For menstrual cups, it's even easier.