What do you say when someone says your on their mind?

What do you say when someone says your on their mind?

So before you tell the person that she has had you on her mind—not “GOT you”, say, “I'd like to hear it.” If the thinker says, “Oh, I can't tell you”. You ask, “Why did you bring it up?” Pause, then “Nice to see you.” Politely walk away. Don't act too interested; but be very polite.

What does it mean to be crossed with someone?

adjective Angry or annoyed with someone. In this usage, "cross with" is a set phrase followed by a noun or pronoun. Of course I'm cross with you—you lied to me!

What does on a shoestring mean?

on a shoestring. With very limited financial means, as in The newlyweds were living on a shoestring. The precise allusion in this term is unclear. One fanciful theory is that debtors in British prisons would lower a shoe by its laces from a window so as to collect funds from visitors or passers-by.

What does it mean to have a one track mind?

A mind limited to only one line of thought or action, as in All you think about is sex—you have a one-track mind. This expression, alluding to a train that runs only on one track or in one direction, was first recorded in 1928.

What does transiently mean?

adjective. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; transitory. lasting only a short time; existing briefly; temporary: transient authority. staying only a short time: the transient guests at a hotel.

What is the meaning of mind your business?

"Mind your own business" is a common English saying which asks for a respect of other people's privacy. It can mean that a person should stop meddling in what does not concern that person, etc. Its initialism is MYOB.