What do you say after Havdalah?

What do you say after Havdalah?

After the Havdalah ceremony, it is customary to sing "Eliyahu Hanavi" ("Elijah the Prophet") and/or "HaMavdil Bein Kodesh LeChol" (Who separates Holy from ordinary/weekday), and to bless one another with the words Shavua' tov (Hebrew) or Gute vokh (Yiddish) (Have a good week).

Why does a Havdalah candle have 3 Wicks?

They also match to basic observations, like you have 2 eyes to see the light so you need at least a 2-wicked candle (which can also be that you see the light and the light is also in your head, which can invoke 3 wicks). In other words, it's a fundamental symbolism that works on a lot of levels.

Why do we use a braided candle for Havdalah?

The primary symbols of havdalah are the braided candle, kiddush cup containing wine and spice box containing sweet-smelling spices. The braided candle symbolizes the light of Shabbat and the strands of the braid have been interpreted as the many types of Jews in the world, all of whom are part of one unified people.

What spices do you use for Havdalah?

The spices commonly used are cloves, cinnamon or cardamom and are kept in a special decorated B'Samim box. Whole Spice Havdalah mix is made with cinnamon chips, orange peel, rosebuds, cloves, and green cardamom pods.