What do you do when another woman flirts with your husband?

What do you do when another woman flirts with your husband?

Flirt with him, keep your sex life spicy, acknowledge the little things he does with a thank you note, send him racy texts and pics when he's away, and compliment him often—he'll reciprocate. If any man can be stolen away by another woman, let her keep him.

Why does my husband flirt with my friends?

It's because he wants his cake and eat it too. There's something about you that he likes so he sticks around, probably something lustful. He then flirts with your friends in front of you hoping to make you a bit jealous and therefore hope that you display a trait of the person he's flirting with.

When people flirt with your spouse?

Either walk away, change the subject, pull you into the conversation or mention you.” In a perfect world, your partner will do this automatically. But you may need to tell them that the flirting bothers you, that it feels inappropriate, and ask them to put a stop to it the next time you see this person.

What does it mean when your wife flirts with other guys?

When a woman flirts with a man that she is sexually attracted to, it usually means that she is signaling to him, “I like you, I'm attracted to you and I wish something could happen between us.” However, sometimes a woman will flirt with guys because it's her way of making guys feel good in her presence.