What do you call the study of trees?

What do you call the study of trees?

Dendrology, also called forest dendrology or xylology, study of the characteristics of trees, shrubs, lianas, and other woody plants. Dendrology is generally considered to be a branch of systematic botany or forestry and is primarily concerned with the taxonomy of woody species.

What is the difference between an arborist and a tree surgeon?

The difference between an Arborist and a Tree Surgeon. The responsibility of being a Certified Arborist means maintaining the educational credits every year. A Tree Surgeon is a person who works on trees. There may not be any training involved or there might be some.

Is being an arborist dangerous?

Arboriculture happens to be among the most dangerous legal jobs in America. Certain types of mining and timber harvesting are probably still more dangerous. Prostitution and drug dealing are also likely more dangerous, but not legal. The danger in arboriculture can not be understated.

What does a tree surgeon do?

Arboricultural officers plant, maintain, and perform hazard assessments on trees. They also prune or cut down trees where necessary. Tree surgery can be a dangerous job – it involves use of power tools, a lot of climbing, and working at height – so a high level of physical fitness is required.