What do you call something that happens every year?

What do you call something that happens every year?

annual. adjectiveoccurring, done yearly. anniversary. each year. every year.

What is every 6 months called?

every six months: bi-annual; half-yearly; semi-annual; every six months; twice a year.

What happens every six years?

Example sentences from the Web for sexennial lasting six years: happening once in six years—also Sextenn′ial. On January 12 he advised Aquaviva to propose the discussion of a change of assistants and a sexennial congregation. In the Brahmanas we only find traces of a quinquennial or sexennial cycle.

What do you call an event that happens every 5 years?

Definition of quinquennial. 1 : consisting of or lasting for five years. 2 : occurring or being done every five years. Other Words from quinquennial Example Sentences Learn More about quinquennial.

Does biannual mean twice a year?

Biannual can mean two things: occurring once every two years or occurring twice per year. Biannual is a synonym of biyearly, which can also be used to mean every two years or twice per year.

What does 2 yearly mean?

2. biyearly – occurring or payable twice each year. biannual, half-yearly, semiannual.