What do you call someone who works with dead bodies?

What do you call someone who works with dead bodies?

Forensic Pathologist Forensic pathology may be your calling. Forensic pathologists examine fluids, tissue, and other bodily samples to determine a cause of illness or death. They perform autopsies and may be called in to consult if the cause of death is difficult to ascertain.

What is the study of dead people called?

Thanatology or deathlore is the scientific study of death and the losses brought about as a result. It investigates the mechanisms and forensic aspects of death, such as bodily changes that accompany death and the post-mortem period, as well as wider psychological and social aspects related to death.

What is a dead person’s body called?

Cadaver. A cadaver is a dead human body that is used by medical students, physicians and other scientists to study anatomy, identify disease sites, determine causes of death, and provide tissue to repair a defect in a living human being.