What do you call someone who loves England?

What do you call someone who loves England?

An Anglophile is a person who admires England, its people, and its culture.

What do you call someone who is obsessed with America?

Americanophile, according to Merriam Webster: a person who greatly admires or favors America or things from American culture. The word is also listen in the Oxford Dictionary Online. Attribution:"Americanophile." Merriam-Webster.

What do you call someone who loves Scotland?

The Latin name for Scotland is Caledonia, so I would assume, in keeping with the other Latin names (Anglo-phile, Hiberno-phile and Cambro-phile), a person with an affinity for all things Scottish would be a Caledonophile. one who is crazy on Celtic matters; esp.

What does the word Anglophile mean?

noun. a person who is friendly to or admires England or English customs, institutions, etc.