What do you call a person who asks a lot of questions?

What do you call a person who asks a lot of questions?

Someone who is inquisitive asks a lot of questions and is genuinely curious about things. They might take it a little too far, but it's a very weak negative connotation and one that doesn't really apply when you're in any context related to learning.

What do you call the person who request?

Solicitant – a generic name for a person who makes a request. Rarely used in English. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/35596/what-do-you-call-someone-who-makes-a-request/197004#197004.

Is Asker a word?

The word “asker” exists, but it surely would be flagged as strange or awkward. If you are writing a story and a given character is not fluent in English, then you could use this word to emphasize his/her peculiarity or ignorance of the English language.

What is it called when you answer your own question?

Hypophora is a figure of speech in which a writer raises a question, and then immediately provides an answer to that question. It is also known as “antipophora,” or “anthypophora.” At first look, examples of hypophora may seem similar to rhetorical question examples, but there is a slight difference as explained below.