What do the Spartans chant in 300?

What do the Spartans chant in 300?

300 Spartan Chant (A'oo! A'oo! A'oo!)

What is the Spartan war cry?

There are no records of any “battle-cries” that the Spartans would have used. They were, however, quite a religious people. There are no records of any “battle-cries” that the Spartans would have used. They were, however, quite a religious people.

Why do Spartans say AROO?

It's from when the ancient Spartans we're training in the forest. They'd run through the trails and when they saw a raised part of a tree, they'd yell out "A ROOT!" Due to it being generally loud, it was just shortened to AROO!

What is your profession movie quote?

King Leonidas : You there, what is your profession? Free Greek-Potter : I am a potter sir. King Leonidas : [points to another soldier] And you, Arcadian, what is your profession?