What do surfers call a big wave?

What do surfers call a big wave?

Surfing a wave using only the body or minimal equipment such as flippers or a hand surfing device. Bomb means a very large wave, well beyond the session's normal wave size. A short, soft foam board used for bodyboarding.

What does gnarly mean in surfing?

Gnarly means "treacherous." An acceptable synonym is "hairy." Surf punks use gnarly to refer to any wave over two feet or any woman of prodigious size. Still, you may refer to a man or woman of great importance as "Your Gnarlyness."

What is a female surfer called?

Turtle Roll – Turning the board over and positioning your body to reduce the impact of the breaking wave. Wahine – Female surfer. Wave Hog – Someone who catches many waves and doesn't share with others.