What do I wear to meditation?

What do I wear to meditation?

Wear an outfit that makes you feel confident. Some people meditate naked in the comfort of their own homes while others wear sweat pants, yoga pants, tank tops, or T-shirts. Wear whatever feels comfortable to you today. If you feel good in your clothing, you will have better meditation.

What do you wear to a Buddhist meditation?

Zen robes are traditional, formal clothing that is worn often during meditation practice by beginners, student or a layperson. These are worn during longer retreats and are appropriate for use in a meditation hall. Zen meditation robes are preferred to wear over other clothing for some special ceremonies.

What do you wear to a mindfulness class?

“Wear whatever you'd be comfortable wearing to sit on the floor in your living room,” suggested Keledjian. “Dresses aren't the best choice. If you're in a skirt, you can drape one of our signature blankets across your lap.

What should I wear to Zen Center?

For a vipassana meditation center, i just recommend very comfortable clothes for sitting on the floor and a meditation pillow. keep in mind the weather conditions too, if it's outdoors. the point is you want to be as comfortable as possible so you won't be distracted.