What did Judge Hathorne do in the crucible?

What did Judge Hathorne do in the crucible?

In The Crucible, Judge Hathorne is an arrogant and stern judge, determined to convict people of witchcraft. He believes in the court and already has his mind made up. He refuses to consider that the girls might be pretending and that the accused are innocent.

What did Judge Hathorne encourage those accused of witchcraft to do?

In 1687, Hathorne was asked, as an appointed member of the colony’s council of assistants, to mediate a dispute over whether Salem Village should break away from Salem town. Hathorne and the other two judges involved simply advised the villagers to “act as God shall direct you.”

Who is the most famous descendant of Magistrate John Hathorne?

Additional note: Hathorne’s great-great grandson was Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose works reveal Hawthorne’s guilt over the sins of his ancestor.

How did Judge Hathorne abuse his power?

A combination of Judge Hathorne’s inclination towards cruelty and pride caused him to abuse his power during the Salem Witch Trials. The overpowering was evident in his aggressive questioning and desire to make the accused admit that they were guilty.

What do the girls do to Mary?

What do the girls do to Mary? What is her response? They pretend that her spirit is coming to get them, that she is herself doing some bewitching. Mary tells them to stop it, but when they don’t, she ends up breaking down and joining them (for her own protection).

Who holds the most power in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

Why did Hale quit the court?

At the end of Act 3, Reverend Hale quits the court in Salem out of frustration because he sees that irrationality and hysteria have taken over the proceedings. However, in Act 4, we learn that he has returned to Salem to speak with the prisoners and convince them to confess.

How does Abigail abuse her power?

Abigail has Coercive power over the girls so they follow what she does and says. Her lies made the court believe that Mary actually used witchcraft that it made Mary crack. Abigail’s lies factored Mary Warren to switch sides and blame John for trying to overthrow the court and being a devil’s man.

Who has no power in the crucible?

During the witch trials, the Salemites choose easy targets, and the accusations begin with The Crucible’s most vulnerable characters, underscoring the classism and racism of the times. Tituba, who, as a slave, has no power, is the first character to confess to witchcraft.

What is ironic about Mary Warren’s statement I have no power?

The irony of Mary’s statement, “I have no power,” lies in the fact that her interrogation leads to the arrest of John Proctor. She, in “reality,” does have power. Through her claim of innocence, Mary is attacked by Abigail. Abigail claims that Mary has sent out her spirit on her.

Which incident in Act 3 provoked the strongest emotional response in you?

Certainly, for me, the moment that provokes the strongest emotional response in Act Three is when Mary Warren turns on John Proctor, once again taking sides with Abigail and the rest of the girls, and accusing him of being in league with the Devil.

Why does Abigail have so much power?

Abigail has gained an enormous amount of power and authority since her introduction in Act 1, which means that she no longer has to worry as much about her reputation—anything negative that’s said about her she can lie about, and her word will be believed (as it is with Mary Warren).

Why does Betty start screaming in the crucible?

Why does Betty start screaming? She starts screaming because she hears a church song and can’t bear to hear the Lord’s name. Putnam names names first because she believes the witch behind it all is the midwife that has delivered all her children.

Why does Abigail hate Elizabeth Proctor?

She insists that Elizabeth Proctor “hates [her]” because Abigail “would not be her slave.” She calls Elizabeth a “lying, cold, sniveling woman” who she cannot abide working for.

Who accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft?

Who is to blame for the Crucible?

Hover for more information. Most people tend to feel that Abigail Williams is to blame for what happened in The Crucible. She is the master manipulator who fools an entire town into believing that witches are running amok.

Why does Mary accuse John of witchcraft?

Mary sees how Abby has turned the judges against her, and because she fears being accused of being a witch, she denounces her previous claims of having pretended, and accuses John of influencing her.

Why does Mary not want to testify about the doll?

Abigail had accused Elizabeth of sticking a needle in her (Abby’s) stomach through the use of a “poppet” (doll). Why doesn’t Mary want to testify about the doll? She doesn’t want to testify because she is afraid of Abigail.

Why does Mary not go to court?

Why does Mary Warren refuse to go to court after Elizabeth is arrested? She is afraid that all the girls will turn on her because Abigail has that power over them.

What does Mary mean when she says I saved her life today?

What does Mary Warren mean when she says,”I saved her life today!” ? Abigail has accused Elizabeth of witchcraft, but Mary claims that she has never seen any indication of it. That Abigail wants her dead so she can have John.

Who is the source of conflict between Abigail and Elizabeth?

Abigail gets into an external conflict with Elizabeth Proctor when she accuses her of witchcraft. Elizabeth Proctor gets into an internal conflict within herself because she doesn’t know whether or not to tell the truth or lie in court.

Is Proctor in love with Abigail?

Abigail is in love with John Proctor. When she worked for the Proctors, she and John had a brief affair. Abigail still loves John and she not only is antagonistic toward Elizabeth because Elizabeth asked Abigail to leave the Proctor house, she is jealous of Elizabeth.

What does Mrs Putnam think is wrong with Betty?

What does Mrs. Putnam believe is wrong with Betty Parris? She is under the influence of witchcraft. She is suffering from a severe fever.

Who really stuck the pin in Abby’s stomach and why?

Who reallystuck the pin in Abby’s stomach and why? Abigail stuck the pin in her own stomach because she wanted to frame Elizabeth of witchcraft. Abigail was sitting next to Marry Warren in the court so she saw Marry Warren make the doll and stick the needle in the doll’s stomach.

Why does Abby denounce Elizabeth?

she says that she defended elizabeth. who does elizabeth think called her name and why? abigail, to get her out of the way so she can have proctor to herself.

What are proctors criticisms of Elizabeth?

When Elizabeth continues to act accusingly, Proctor finally claims that she is being cold to him. He says that she neither forgives not forgets and that her “justice would freeze beer”. Proctor accuses Elizabeth of looking only to judge him and not attempting to see the goodness in him.

What does Elizabeth believe Abigail’s true intent is?

Q. What does Elizabeth believe Abigail’s true intent is? Abigail intends to be re-hired by the Proctors. Abigail intends to see Elizabeth dead, so she can replace her as John’s wife.

Does Elizabeth forgive John?

He committed adultery earlier that year while she was sick, and though his lover (Abigail Williams) is now out of his life, Elizabeth still judges him for it. It isn’t until Elizabeth forgives him and admits her own faults that John Proctor is able to forgive himself.

What is Mary’s motive in giving the poppet to Elizabeth?

What is Mary’s motive in giving the “poppet” to Elizabeth? She wants Elizabeth to see her as an innocent girl. She wants to make peace with Elizabeth after disobeying her. She hopes Elizabeth will pay her for the poppet.

Why will Elizabeth not be hanged if she is found guilty?

Whom do Ezekiel Cheever and Herrick, the marshal, come to the Proctor home to arrest? Why will Elizabeth not be hanged if she is found guilty? Because she is pregnant. On what charge is Giles Corey arrested?