What countries have 7 letters?

What countries have 7 letters?

Bahrain, Ukraine, Jamaica, Bolivia, Ecuador, Bermuda, Bahamas, San Juan, Surinam, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Austria, Romania, Albania, Ireland, Hungary, Lebanon, Belgium, England, Denmark, Somalia, Algiers, Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal.

How many 7 letter words are there?

32909There are 32909 seven-letter words.

Many countries in Europe have seven letters in their names. These countries include Ukraine, Finland, Romania, Belgium, Hungary, Armenia, Estonia, Iceland, Belarus, Ireland, Austria, Britain, Germany, Holland, Georgia, Croatia, Denmark, Moldova, the tiny country of Andorra, and Albania.

How many countries have 4 letters in their English name?

Today, the world has 195 countries, and of this total, 11 have English names that consist of four letters. Some of the nations with four letter names include Peru, Iraq, and Cuba.