
What city is 52 N 13 E?

What city is 52 N 13 E?

The time corresponding to 12:00 noon, Eastern Standard Time, is also included for each city….Major Cities: Latitude, Longitude, and Corresponding Time Zones.

City Berlin, Germany
Latitude 52
30 N
Longitude 13
25 E

What city is 14 degrees north 100 degrees east?


What city is located at 49 degrees north and 2 degrees east?


What is 20 degrees north and 65 degrees west?

Puerto Rico

What city is 30 degrees north 30 degrees east?

Cairo city

Which country is located at 30 degrees north?

List of countries by latitude

Latitude Locations
30° N Morocco; Algeria; Libya; Giza, Egypt; Israel; Jordan; Saudi Arabia; Iraq; Kuwait; the Persian Gulf; Iran; Afghanistan; Pakistan; India; Nepal; southern China; southern Japan; northern Mexico; United States

What continent is 60 degrees north and 100 degrees east?


What continent lies between 15 north and 60 south?

South America

Which continent is 75 degrees south?

Antarctica is a continent on Earth at latitude 00″ South, longitude 0° East. Antarctica is the southernmost continent on the planet. By definition of the Antarctic Treaty, it includes all land south of -60 degrees latitude.

Who owns the North Pole 2020?

Current international law mandates that no single country owns the North Pole or the region of the Arctic Ocean that surrounds it. The five adjacent countries, Russia, Canada, Norway, Denmark (via Greenland), and the United States, are restricted to a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone off their coasts.

Can you drive to the North Pole?

The North Pole itself is near the geographic center of the Arctic Ocean, so you can’t drive to it overland. With special vehicles, people have actually driven to the North Pole – MLAE-2009 – Wikipedia was the first such expedition.