What choices did the judge give Stanley?

What choices did the judge give Stanley?

a) Stanley's crime warranted that he be jailed. However the judge informed Stanley that he has the option of choosing between Jail or Camp Green Lake which was a correction centre for Juvenile Delinquents.

What does Stanley learn that he will be doing everyday?

What does Stanley learn he will be doing everyday? He will be digging a hole five feet deep by five feet wide.

What did Stanley believe the meaning was of the sneakers falling on his head?

What does Stanley think when the sneakers fall on his head? He believes that they are destiny's shoes to be used to help his dad with his invention.

What instructions did the guard give to Stanley concerning digging?

What instructions did the guard give to Stanley concerning digging? The hole was to measure five feet in every direction including down. According to Mr. Sir, why did none of the campers attempt to escape despite the fact that their were.