What causes sudden death syndrome in adults?

What causes sudden death syndrome in adults?

What causes SADS? If you have a heart condition, you can experience arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) which may cause a cardiac arrest. Inherited heart conditions which may cause cardiac arrest if undetected and untreated include: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

What is the most common cause of sudden death?

Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death, accounting for up to 80% of all cases. Cardiomyopathies and genetic channelopathies account for the remaining causes. The most common causes of non-ischemic sudden cardiac death are cardiomyopathy related to obesity, alcoholism, and fibrosis.

When a dying person sleeps all the time?

In the 2 or 3 months before a person dies, they may spend less time awake. This lack of wakefulness is because their body's metabolism is becoming weaker. Without metabolic energy, a person will sleep a lot more.

Is there a smell when someone is dying?

Smell: the shutting down of the dying person's system and the changes of the metabolism from the breath and skin and body fluids create a distinctive acetone odour that is similar to the smell of nail polish remover. If a person is dying from bowel or stomach cancer, the smell can sometimes be pungent and unpleasant.