What causes differential rotation of the sun?

What causes differential rotation of the sun?

Differential rotation is caused by convection in stars. This mass carries a portion of the star’s angular momentum, thus redistributing the angular velocity, possibly even far enough out for the star to lose angular velocity in stellar winds.

What does differential rotation mean?

In a rotating solid body, regions that are adjacent at one point in time will remain adjacent as the body rotates. This means that points further from the rotation centre will travel at greater speeds than those closer in. This is known as ‘differential rotation’.

What is differential rotation for the sun and how does it affect the motion of sunspots on its surface?

Over time, the Sun’s differential rotation rates cause its magnetic field to become twisted and tangled. The “tangles” in the magnetic field lines can produce very, very strong localized magnetic fields. Places where “ropes” of bundled field lines “break” the surface of the Sun are active regions where sunspots form.

What is differential rotation quizlet?

Differential rotation. The tendency for a gaseous sphere, such as a jovian planet of the Sun, to rotate at a different rate at the equator than at the poles. More generally, a condition where the angular speed varies with location within an object. Great Red Spot.

What makes Mimas a distinct moon?

What makes Mimas a distinct moon? It suffered a huge meteorite impact that must have nearly shattered it.

How does Jupiter exhibit differential rotation?

How does Jupiter exhibit differential rotation? A) The equatorial zones rotate in less time than the higher latitudes. The interior of the planet rotates in about 12 hours; the atmosphere rotates in about 10 hours.

What is the effect of differential rotation?

The inner differential rotation is one part of the mixing processes in stars, mixing the materials and the heat/energy of the stars. Differential rotation affects stellar optical absorption-line spectra through line broadening caused by lines being differently Doppler-shifted across the stellar surface.

What is interesting about Jupiter’s rotation?

The planet rotates very Jupiter rotates very quickly, turning on its axis once every 9 hours and 55 minutes. This rapid rotation is also what causes the flattening effect of the planet, which is why it has an oblate shape. One orbit of the Sun takes Jupiter 11.86 Earth years.

Which two Jovian planets have magnetic fields?

The other two gas giants, Uranus and Neptune, have unusual magnetic fields as well, not only because of their tilts but also because of the harmonic content of their internal fields. Uranus has two anomalous tilts, of its rotation axis and of its dipole axis….

What are the three magnetic elements?

Since then only three elements on the periodic table have been found to be ferromagnetic at room temperature—iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni)….

Which planet has no magnetic field?

Jupiter’s magnetosphere is stronger than Earth’s by an order of magnitude, and its magnetic moment is approximately 18,000 times larger. Venus, Mars, and Pluto, on the other hand, have no magnetic field. This may have had significant effects on their geological history.

Which planets have the strongest magnetic field?

Jupiter. After the Sun, Jupiter has by far the strongest and biggest magnetic field in our solar system — it stretches about 12 million miles from east to west, almost 15 times the width of the Sun. (Earth’s, on the other hand, could easily fit inside the Sun — except for its outstretched tail.)…

What two ingredients make a planet magnetic?

But only materials like iron, cobalt and nickel have atoms that can be arranged so the magnetic fields from their unpaired electrons add together like a zillion tiny compasses to give an overall magnetic field….

Did Mars lose its magnetic field?

However, tracing the Martian surface magnetic field indicated that Mars lost its magnetic field 4 billion years ago, leaving the atmosphere under severe attack by the solar wind. After 500 million years, the Martian atmosphere is substantially destroyed, all due to the disappearance of Mars global magnetic field.

What do you call a dead planet?

Mercury is a dead planet and the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. It is a world of black starry skies, gray craters, no moon and not enough gravity to hold an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere, Mercury is a silent world without any sound.