What can stop you from leaving Australia?

What can stop you from leaving Australia?

The ATO has the power to stop a taxpayer from leaving the country if they owe a tax debt. It can do this by issuing a Departure Prohibition Order. Once the ATO issues a DPO, you cannot leave Australia until the tax debt is fully paid or you reach a settlement with the ATO.

Can I leave Australia on a foreign passport?

Australian citizens should use their Australian passport to enter and leave Australia. The Australian Border Force has more information on crossing the border. If you have a passport from another country, you can use that after you leave Australia. The airline might also stop you from boarding a plane to Australia.

How long can Australian citizens live overseas?

five yearsAustralians citizens living abroad for more than five years and permanent residents living overseas for more than 12 months forfeit the right to Medicare benefits.

How long can you go overseas on an aged pension?

26 weeksIf you're already receiving your pension, you can stay overseas for up to 26 weeks without your pension being affected. After 26 weeks, your receipt of the Age Pension becomes dependent on how many years you've been an Australian resident. This is called your Australian Working Life Residency (AWLR).