What can I say instead of a lot?

What can I say instead of a lot?

The person who says, “I miss you” might me lying. Whereas, that brief “Miss you” might be a rose watered with tears. 'A tree is known by its fruits.

Is a Lot 2 words?

The two-word construction a lot is just that: two separate words. You have the article a and the noun lot. The word lot is defined as, “a large number or amount, a great deal.”

How many is alot?

A lot is an old unit of weight used in many European countries since the Middle Ages until the beginning of the 20th century. Most often it was defined as either ​1⁄30 or ​1⁄32 of a pound (or more precisely of whatever mass value one local pound had at the time). Recorded values range from 10 to 50 grams.

Did a lot used to be one word?

Is a lot better correct?

Yes, "much better" (and, in general, much + comparative) is correct usage. Some examples: Today I'm feeling much better than yesterday. A snail is much smaller than an elephant.