What can I add to squash for flavor?

What can I add to squash for flavor?

Classic garnishes for butternut squash soup include a dollop of sour cream, plain yogurt, or crème fraîche. A sprinkle of minced cilantro or thyme is also tasty. A few other options: Creamy: Add 1/3 to 1/2 cup heavy cream after blending and gently heat until warmed through.

Why does my butternut squash soup taste bitter?

Extreme cold, heat, drought or too much irrigation or even a lack of plant nutrients, excessive pest infestation or disease can all create these elevated levels of cucurbitacin in the squash resulting in a bitter flavor.

How do you spice up a bland soup?

Add a splash of vinegar (any kind!), or a squeeze of citrus. Chances are, you could use a little more salt. Go ahead—it's ok. Salt perks up flat flavors and helps balance out bitter-tasting ingredients.

How do I spice up bland pumpkin soup?

– meanwhile, sauteed 1/2 an onion, a handful of carrots, four garlic cloves, and thyme in oil until they were soft. – scooped out the pumpkin and put it in the pot with a quart of chicken stock, brought to a simmer. – added salt, pepper, about 1/2 tablespoon of butter, and more thyme.