What can disqualify you at MEPS?

What can disqualify you at MEPS?

The choice is yours.

  • Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal System. The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:
  • Blood and blood-forming tissue diseases.
  • Dental.
  • Ears.
  • Hearing.
  • Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders.
  • Upper extremities.
  • Lower extremities.

Does cancer disqualify you from military service?

a. Current or history of malignant tumors (V10) is disqualifying. Skin cancer (other than malignant melanoma) removed with no residual, is not disqualifying.

What happens if you get disqualified from MEPS?

You can’t enlist with a permanent medical disqualification unless you receive an approved waiver. If you are found to be permanently disqualified, the MEPS doctor will indicate on your medical form whether a waiver is recommended in your case.

What medical conditions will get you kicked out of the military?

There are many specific medical conditions that may disqualify you from joining the U.S. Military. These include conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, heart issues, Asperger’s, and PTSD.

How long does MEPS physical take?

two full days

Is the MEPS physical hard to pass?

MEPS is easy. You simply take a physical and pass the physical. And do a lot of paperwork. As for as what you can do, that generally means being in shape going to your delayed entry program meetings.

Do you have to shave before MEPS?

Nope. It is just like the first time you ever went to MEPS. You do not have to shave, have a hair cut etc. You simply have to show up, follow their little checklist of what not to bring and/or do and follow orders.

How long after MEPS is boot camp?

6 months

Can my parents come to MEPS?

Yes parents and family can go to MEPS. When I went through MEPS last year they weren’t allowed in the building until 0900 and could only be in the waiting room or go watch their family member swear in.

Can your parents go to MEPS with you?

As a parent, you are free to accompany your child to MEPS, but you will be asked to wait in a separate area during the test.

Can I wear nail polish to MEPS?

No nail polish, no weapons, covering underwear(no thongs, no lace underwear or bras, no razorback bras, no sports bras, etc), shoes and socks, no ripped pants. Your recruiter should have gone over this with you ahead of time.

Do they check your teeth at MEPS?

Will the military fix my teeth? The Armed Forces use a MEPS exam or DoDMERB to determine the condition of your mouth, teeth, and gums. The military may provide funds for the treatment of oral health problems that are correctable.

Can hemorrhoids disqualify you MEPS?

Anorectal Disorders Current or history of anal or rectal polyp, prolapse, stricture, or fecal incontinence within the last two years is disqualifying. Current hemorrhoid (internal or external), when large, symptomatic, or with a history of bleeding within the last 60 days, is disqualifying.

Will the Navy fix my teeth?

The Navy will fix your teeth. It won’t be optional, so if you have a fear of dentistry, this won’t be good for you.

Is it possible to fail basic training?

​Yes, it is possible to fail basic training. You could go through the trouble of leaving your home, job, family and friends and come back a failure. In fact, this happens to about 15% of recruits who join the military every year. Too many recruits I speak to think that it is impossible to fail basic training.

Do they check your teeth at basic training?

Vision and Dental Exam: You’ll have a general vision checkup and a dental exam (including X-ray). At the dental exam you’ll be issued a protective mouth guard, which you’ll use during certain BCT training exercises.

Do I have to swim to join the Navy?

Everyone who enters the U.S. Navy must pass a Navy Third Class Swim Test. The Navy does offer remedial swim training to those not accustomed to swimming, but this is often during any “free” time the recruit or student may have.

Which branch has the easiest PT test?

US Navy

How many push-ups do females have to do in the Navy?

17 push-ups

What is the minimum weight to join the Navy?

Minimum Navy Weight Requirements

Height Min Weight at BMI of 19 Min Weight at BMI 17.5
60” or 5′ 97 lbs 90 lbs
61” or 5’1” 100 lbs 92 lbs
62” or 5’2” 104 lbs 95 lbs
63” or 5’3” 107 lbs 98 lbs

Is there a height requirement for Navy SEALs?

Height Requirements for Navy SEAL Although there aren’t actual height requirements to become a Navy SEAL, in order to meet the other rigorous standards needed to complete the training, certain heights may have more of an advantage. Just beware that only about 6% of those who apply actually become Navy SEALs.

How much do you have to weigh to join military?

Physical Characteristics The Army has strict height, weight and body-fat composition rules for recruits. Allowable measurements vary by age and gender. A 5-foot-6-inch woman, for example, must weigh at least 117 pounds but cannot weigh more than 155 to 161 pounds, depending on age.

What is the height and weight requirement for Navy SEALs?

Navy Maximum Height and Weight Charts

Height – Inch / Ft and inch Men – Maximum Weight Women – Maximum Weight
62” – 5′ 2″ 150 lbs 149 lbs
63” – 5″ 3″ 155 lbs 152 lbs
64” – 5″ 4″ 160 lbs 156 lbs
65” – 5″ 5″ 165 lbs 160 lbs