What caliber is 7.62 x39 equal to?

What caliber is 7.62 x39 equal to?

Well, to begin with, the 7.62X39 is a 31 caliber round (using . 310′-. 312″ bullets, actually using bullets of the same diameter as cartridges in the 32 caliber class), and a very casual search of any ballistics table will tell you it is not the same as a 30-30 in terms of energy.

Can you shoot 7.62 x39 in a 308 rifle?

No, you cannot shoot 7.62x39mm in a . 308 (7.62x51mm) rifle. There is a chamber adapter made which holds the 7.62×39 and then is inserted in the . 308 chamber to be fired.

Is a 7.62 x39 the same as a 308?

Nope. . 308 Winchester is another name for 7.62x51mm NATO. Not only is the case longer, but that extra case length is used for more powder, meaning that . 308 has more power than 7.62x39mm (7.62 Russian for short).

Can you shoot 7.62 x39 in a 7.62 x54?

Yes, both of the russian 7.62’s use the same diameter bullet. any x54R loading data for 123ish grain rounds will work with 123ish grain x39 bullets- since they are the same.

Is 7.62 and .223 the same?

While . 223 Remington steel cased ammo is roughly the same as steel case 7.62x39mm, brass cased 5.56 NATO has a large difference in price. While many people don’t mind shooting steel cased . 223 Remington, some ARs will just not properly cycle it, and it can cause premature wear in barrels.

Are Mosin Nagants worth buying?

If you’re after a gritty, dependable and historic rifle that can stand up to the worst of what the world throws at it, then yes, the Mosin-Nagant is worth every penny.

Is it legal to own a Mosin Nagant?

That aside, all variants of the Mosin are legal in California, since in order for the assault weapon ban to apply to the rifle, it would have to be a semiautomatic. The Mosins sold here are sold with the foldable bayo, it’s legal to have. No worries on the legal end of things.

What is the rarest Mosin Nagant?

Some examples of rare Mosin Nagants include the PEM Side Mount Sniper version, the Tula 1891, the Finnish “SA” marked rifle and M91rv Cavalry Rifle.

Why are Mosin Nagants so expensive?

Its simple supply and demand. The supply has dried up but the demand is still there so the prices have skyrocketed.

Are Mosin Nagants still made?

All told, more than 17 million Mosin-Nagant M91/30 rifles had been produced. Today, Mosin-Nagants are still found on battlefields around the world, with forces reporting use by insurgents in the recent Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in service by Syrian, Afghan, Finnish and Iraqi militaries as sniper rifles.

Are Mosin Nagants still being imported?

Import Bans Then there are the unknown number of Mosin Nagant rifles which have been imported over the decades. Even though the Mosin Nagant is still being imported, prices have crept up over the decades.

What is the difference between 7.62 x39 and 7.62 x54?

The 7.62x54r is a full power rifle round much like our . It works well as a long range round. The x39 is obviously shorter and lighter, allowing a soldier to carry more ammo, and a lighter gun. Originally chambered in the SKS, and later the AK-47, RPK, etc.

Is 7.62 x39 good for deer?

IdaD Member. 7.62 is basically a light 30-30 so it’ll definitely work great on deer as long as you’re not shooting long range. I’d use it before a 223/5.56.

What can you hunt with 7.62 x54r?

A: Yes, the 7.62x54r cartridge is excellent for hunting medium-sized game such as deer, elk, and bear. It has a relatively flat trajectory, heavy grain bullets have little drift, and it’s generally accurate out to 300 yards, depending on your rifle and ammunition choice.

What does the 54 mean in 7.62 x54?

The round has erroneously come to be known as the “7.62mm Russian” (and is still often referred to as such colloquially), but, according to standards, the R in designation (7.62×54mmR) stands for “rimmed”, in line with standard C.I.P. designations.

How far will a 7.62 x54r travel?

Longer and heavier than the 7.62×39-millimeter round used in the AK series of assault rifles, a PK with the 7.62x54R round has an effective range of 800 to 1,000 yards, versus only about 350 yards for an AK-47.

Is Mosin-Nagant a good rifle?

For the time and place, the Russian Mosin-Nagant was a good rifle. Extremely strong, rugged, reliable and fairly accurate rifle. The Finnish Mosin models were extremely strong, rugged, reliable, and extremely accurate for *any* time or place. It is very easy to apply Finnish methods to your standard Russian Mosin.

Is Mosin Nagant better than KAR98K?

The only reason a Mosin-Nagant is better than a KAR98K is in its basic design. Thanks to its length and heft it makes a great spear or bludgeon. Otherwise, the Mosin-Nagant was inferior in nearly every way to pretty much every other standard rifle in WW2.

Is a Mosin Nagant a good first rifle?

The Mosin is a good first full power rifle. My first full power rifle was a Mosin. Sure, quality is a crapshoot, but I’ve seen and handles a lot of mosins, and I’ve never seen the sewer pipe barrels of myth and legend. They don’t need to be sub MOA accurate.

Why is the Mosin Nagant so popular?

The Mosin Nagant is popular not just because it’s inexpensive, but also because it’s extremely durable, it’s fun to shoot, can be quite accurate, is a piece of history, and fires a powerful round. You simply can’t get all of those things from any other rifle for that kind of price.

Are Mosin Nagants safe to shoot?

Mosins are notoriously over-built rifles. As long as you’re not making the barrel overheat or setting it on fire, you should be good to go.

How accurate are Mosin Nagants?

Despite its shortcomings, the Model 1891/30 was rugged, reliable and accurate, its average minute of arc ranging from a 1.5 to below 1 (less than an inch over 100 meters). It proved murderously successful. In fact, German snipers reportedly preferred captured Mosin-Nagants to their own Mauser Karabiner 98k rifles.

Is the kar98k a sniper rifle?

For snipers, Karabiner 98k rifles selected for being exceptionally accurate during factory tests were fitted with a telescopic sight as sniper rifles. Karabiner 98k sniper rifles had an effective range of up to 1,000 m (1,094 yd) when used by a skilled sniper.

How far will a Mosin Nagant shoot?


3-line rifle M1891/Mosin–Nagant
Action Bolt action
Rate of fire Variable
Muzzle velocity Light ball, ~ 865 m/s (2,838 ft/s) rifle ~ 800 m/s (2,625 ft/s) carbine.
Effective firing range 500 metres (550 yd), 800+ m (875+ yards with optics)

Which is the best gun in the world?

  1. DSR-Precision DSR 50 Sniper Rifle.
  2. Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun.
  3. Uzi Submachine Gun.
  4. Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle.
  5. XM307 ACSW Advanced Heavy Machine Gun.
  6. MG3 Machine Gun. MG3 is manufactured by a firm of Germany.
  7. F2000 Assault Rifle. F2000 is a fully automatic rifle with large magazine in it.

What’s the difference between a marksman rifle and a sniper rifle?

Snipers rely almost exclusively on more accurate but slower-firing bolt-action rifles, such as the M24, while a marksman can effectively use a faster-firing, but less accurate semi-automatic rifle, such as the M14.

Are DMRs snipers?

DMRs often share some basic characteristics with sniper rifles when compared to the weapons carried by others in the DM’s platoon. DMRs may have an attached telescopic sight, quickly deployed stabilizing bipod to allow optimized accuracy and low-recoil in temporarily fixed situations or an adjustable stock.

Do marksman rifles count as snipers?

Functionally, Marksman Rifles are classified mostly as medium ranged snipers and precision weapons, with better handling and mobility than the core Sniper Class that values extremely large distances.

Are marksman rifles better than snipers warzone?

While Marksman Rifles were always extremely potent weapons in Modern Warfare, in Warzone they’ve historically been outclassed by the bulkier and harder-hitting sniper rifles.

Do warzone snipers have bullet drop?

It may be slow and cumbersome to use, but the most important thing with a sniper rifle in Warzone is guaranteeing that one-shot-kill headshot – and with a properly kitted Tundra you can pretty much eliminate bullet drop, making that headshot much easier to earn than with other rifles. …