What bad news does Bobo give Walter?

What bad news does Bobo give Walter?

What news did Bobo bring to Walter? He tells Walter that Willy took all of the money and left without a trace. Beneatha and Ruth are busy packing when Ruth tells Beneatha how happy she is with the change in Walter.

How did Ruth find out Walter wasn’t going to work?

How did Ruth find out Walter had not been going to work? Walters boss called and told Ruth that Walter hasn’t been going to work for three days and that he would get fired if he didn’t come to work the next day.

What was Walter doing instead of going to work?

Where had Walter been going instead of to work? He had been driving and walking and watching people. You just studied 23 terms!

Why is Walter in danger of losing his job?

He’s despondent over his dead-end job, which makes him feel little better than a slave. He no longer feels like a man as he’s unable to provide adequately for his family. His boss tells the Younger family that Walter Lee has three days to get his act together, or else he will lose his job.

Why was Ruth upset when Walter gave Travis the money?

Ruth was upset when Walter gave Travis the money because they didn’t have money to spare. Also, Walter didn’t get back her up; he undermined her authority as a parent. Who are Willy and Bobo? Willy and Bobo are two friends of Walter who want him to go in partners with them in a liquor store.

How did Walter lose the money?

Walter loses the insurance money to Willy, a crook that he mistakes for a friend. Mama entrusts Walter with all the money that remains after the down payment on the new house.

Why did beneatha not marry George?

Why did Beneatha say she wouldn’t marry George? She admitted that he was rich, but she thought he was shallow. She liked him well enough to go out with him, but she didn’t love him.

Why does Mama get a $10000 check?

When the play opens, the Youngers are about to receive an insurance check for $10,000. This money comes from the deceased Mr. Younger’s life insurance policy. Each of the adult members of the family has an idea as to what he or she would like to do with this money.

What does Mama do with the check?

What does Mama do with part of the money from the insurance check? She wants to get it to help people and get money for the family. He’s doing it to just get it done and make more money.

Does beneatha ever become a doctor?

Beneatha’s “schooling” is a privilege that Walter Lee has not had, yet Beneatha appears to believe that a higher education is her right. Everyone in the family is making a sacrifice so that Beneatha can become a doctor — a fact pointed out by Walter Lee as they clash in the first scene of the play.

Why is Mama sad when the check arrives?

Why does Mama’s expression become sober and then unhappy when she holds the check? The check is worth $10,000. The reason why she becomes unhappy when she holds the check is because her husband (Big Walter) had to die before they could get the check. Walter rushes in demanding to know whether the check has arrived.

Why does Lena slap beneatha?

Mama is talking about Walter Younger, her husband. Why does Mama slap Beneatha? Mama slaps Beneatha because she is challenging her power. Mama repeatedly tells her to watch her mouth around her when referring to God in a negative way and she still does.

What does Mama say is dangerous?

They want a better quality of life. 5. What does Mama say is “dangerous”? She says it is dangerous “when a man goes outside his home to look for peace.”

How does Mama react to finally getting the check?

One for whom bread–food–isn’t enough; Beneatha needs intellectual knowledge, too. How do they react when Mama gets the check? Mama is scared, unsure if the amount is correct; Travis is excited as is Ruth and Beneatha.

What is Asagai’s nickname for beneatha?

When Asagai says goodbye, he calls Beneatha by a nickname, “Alaiyo.” He explains that it is a word from his African tribal language, roughly translated to mean “One for Whom Bread—Food—Is Not Enough.” He leaves, having charmed both women.

What did Mama Lena dream about buying for years with her husband?

A Raisin in the Sun Lena Younger (Mama) Lena Younger (Mama) had dreams of buying a house with her husband and having a garden of her own; “…you should know all the dreams I had ’bout buying that house and fixing it up and making a little garden in the back-And didn’t none of it happen,” (1782).

Why does Mama not give Walter the money?

Since she is opposed to giving him the money because he wants to use it to invest in a liquor establishment, this setting makes the point that she’s giving him the money to invest in a future outside the dingy bar walls.

Who is George Murchison?

George Murchison A wealthy, African-American man who courts Beneatha. The Youngers approve of George, but Beneatha dislikes his willingness to submit to white culture and forget his African heritage.

Why did Mama buy a house in a white neighborhood?

1) Why does Mama buy a house in an all-white neighborhood? Mama wants to buy a house to secure a more comfortable standard of living for the whole Younger family.

What is the greatest dream of Mama?

What is Mama’s greatest? Mama’s greatest dream is to own a larger house to live in, to provide home for hwr family, because family is expanding and current house is too small. She hopes that her children behaviors will change into lovable, kind and faithful.

What does the new house signify to the Youngers?

What does the new house signify to each of the Youngers? It signifies new life and more freedom, but it is sad for them to leave their old house. Look closer at Karl Linder’s speech when he talks to the Youngers.

Does Raisin in the Sun have a happy ending?

Hover for more information. In some ways, the play ends happily for the Younger family. Walter, who has considered accepting a bribe from a white homeowners’ association in exchange for not moving to a new neighborhood, decides to forgo the payment. The family prepares to move to their new, white neighborhood.

Who does beneatha end up with?

Unsurprisingly, Beneatha seems to not be into George at all by the end of the play. When we leave Beneatha at the play’s conclusion, she is even considering marrying Asagai and practicing medicine in Africa.

What was the ending of a raisin in the sun?

A Raisin in the Sun ends with the Younger family leaving their longtime apartment in Chicago’s South Side neighborhood in order to move into a house they’ve purchased in the otherwise all-white neighborhood of Clybourne Park.

Does Walter get his liquor store?

Lesson Summary Walter feels useless as a man because he doesn’t make enough money to provide for his family. He receives a portion of his father’s life insurance check and decides to invest it in a liquor store. When the investment deal goes bad, he loses his family’s trust and respect.