What area code is 702 belong to?

What area code is 702 belong to?

Las Vegas

Is 702 area code a toll free number?

Area code 702 is not a toll free number as it is the area code for the Las Vegas area along with its overlay 725.

What area code is 755?

state of NV

What time is it 702 area code?

Get the name, address, and phone carrier for any number

State: Nevada
Major City: Las Vegas
Timezone: Pacific
Current Time: 2:41pm
Short URL: allareacodes.com/702

What city is area code 702 in California?

What area code is 707 in California?

San Francisco

What anime is 707 from?

Mystic Messenger

What state has 707 as an area code?


What area code is 650 in California?

San Francisco Bay Area

What area code is 530 in California?

Sacramento Valley

Where is 917 area code in United States?

New York City’s

Are 917 numbers still available?

“917” has become a prime cell number now since there are very few of these around. “347” and “646” are still taking some “getting used to” although having a “347” gives a bit of “street cred” being mainly a cell number out in the outer boroughs.”

Where is 971 located?


Where is area code 678 located in the US?


Which country code is +1 470?


Which country’s code is 678?

Telephone numbers in Vanuatu

Continent Oceania
Access codes
Country calling code +678
International call prefix 00

Which country code is +1 678?

Vanuatu telephone code 678 is dialed after the IDD. Vanuatu international dialing 678 is followed by an area code….75.2°F.

City Dial Codes
Tanna +678-686

What is USA code number?


How do I get a US number for Whatsapp?

Text Plus – Verification URL

  1. You can find the app in Google Play.
  2. Open the app and you will be required to register.
  3. Go to the left top area and click on the menu option.
  4. Simply click on it and you will be required to provide the information of your country.
  5. Choose US with the code number.

How can I call USA for free from India?

To call United States from India, dial: 00 – 1 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 1 – 10 Digit Mobile Number

  1. 00 – Exit code for India, and is needed for making any international call from India.
  2. 1 – ISD Code or Country Code of United States.
  3. Area code – There are 291 area codes in United States.

What is the cheapest way to call India?

Best Unlimited VOIP To Call India

  1. Google Voice (Mobile App, 1¢/minute to mobile, 2¢ to landline)
  2. Vonage (VOIP Phone, Unlimited for $27/month)
  3. Keku (Mobile App, 2.3¢/ minute to landline & mobile)
  4. Skype (Mobile App, 1.5¢/ minute)
  5. International Calling cards (Cheaper)
  6. Viber (Mobile App)

How can I call to USA for free?

Here are the best free calling apps for Android and iOS.

  1. Talkatone: The Best Free Calling App.
  2. TextNow: The Top Free Phone Number App for Calling and Texting.
  3. FreeTone/TextMe Up/Text Me: Make Free Phone Calls to the US and Canada.
  4. TextPlus: A Solid International Calling App.
  5. Dingtone.

What is the best app for free phone calls?

The best free calling and texting apps for Android and iOS

  • TextNow – Best free calling and texting app.
  • Google Voice – Free texts and calls without the ads.
  • Text Free – Free texts and 60 minutes of calls a month.
  • textPlus – Free texting only.
  • Dingtone – Free international calls.

What is the best free phone app?

Best Free Calling App

  1. WhatsApp Messenger. WhatsApp recently became one of the most popular free calling apps after it introduced video calling for both Android & iOS.
  2. Viber.
  3. Skype.
  4. Facebook Messenger.
  5. LINE.
  6. Hangouts.
  7. KakaoTalk: Free Calls & Text.
  8. Maaii: Free Calls & Messaging.